Research project ST/14 (Research action ST)
Detecting the causes of injuries resulting from straining the locomotive system while working. Attention will be focused in this study on the repetitive strain of the upper limbs and the shoulder and neck region, and strain induced by lifting and raising movements.
The aim of this proposal is to detect the cause of individual differences in the incurred injuries. Analysis of the electromyographic signal will play an important part in the analysis.
The following relationships will have to be established in order to detect changes in the signal frequency and amplitude characteristics and to relate these to strain and fatigue:
a) between bodily posture, mechanical strain and muscular effort;
b) between the degree of fatigue, muscular force and the electromyogram;
c) between the degree of fatigue and the coordination of muscular effort in different groups of muscles.
The aim of carrying out a study into the two companies is to ascertain the applicability of the analysis in the workplace and to detect the individual factors underlying strain injuries. The influence of interventions designed to reduce the incidence of strain injuries will also be examined.
Analyse van musculo-skeletale aandoeningen in de arbeidsomgeving door repetitieve en rugbelasting: eindrapport
Spaepen, A. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0840)
[To download]
Analysis of musculoskeletal disorders due to repetitive work and low back load in the working environment: executive summary
Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0956)
[To download]