Research project ST/15 (Research action ST)
Allergies, respiratory diseases and air-conditioning.
- Development of a diagnostic method enabling the causal link to be demonstrated between allergens carried by air-conditioning and certain
allergic reactions.
- Evaluation of the presence of secondary metabolites (volatile mycotoxins and bacterial endotoxins) produced by the most common species and evaluation of the toxic reactions they induce.
- Study of the effectiveness of the maintenance procedures most commonly carried out by air- conditioning management firms (disinfection using a variety of substances or by ultraviolet radiation, deconcentration, etc.) with the final aim of formulating recommendations for firms specialising
in this field.
Contrôles microbiologiques dans les bâtiments équipés de conditionnement d'air (rapport final et cahier de maintenance micro-biologique): rapport final
Nolard, N. Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0957)
Microbiological monitoring in air-conditioned buildings: executive summary
Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0958)
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