Development and launching at the national scale of a multi uses database combining aerial photographs and satellite imagery

Research project T4/DD/11 (Research action T4)

Persons :

Description :


Actually, the Belgian Ministry of Agriculture (DG3) dispose, in particular, of an aerial photographs database management system and of all the numerical orthophotographs of Belgium (at a resolution of 1 meter and dated 1995). The database has been developed for the implementation of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), the system concretising the regulation of the new Common Agricultural policy (CAP).
Up to now, this system has given full satisfaction. Consequently the Ministry would like to dispose of functionality’s necessary to manage imageries of satellites. Such a development is considered in order to totally integrate the remote sensing control of the farmer’s applications in the IACS. The main objectives of this integration to the IACS would be the efficacy increase and the cost decrease of the annual control by remote sensing. In particular, that should conduct to the following strategic advantages for the DG3 :

- maximal operational and computer integration of the control by remote sensing in IACS;
- maximal automation of computing processes;
- early remote sensing control diagnoses;
- computing development amortise thanks to variable applications.


In case of collaboration with the SSTC through the pilot project, DG3 would wish to develop a numerical imageries management system with the following properties :

- Geometrical adjustment of all type of useful imageries to the Belgian Lambert 72 referential;
- System covering at least all Belgian territory, with possibilities all over the world;
- Capacity to manage multi-levels data’s (multi-sensors, multi-bands, multi-resolution, multi-dates);
- Access to data’s through a client-server computer model;
- Storage of imagery descriptive data’s (metadata);
- Input and output compatibility with classical imagery formats and commercial software.


The final product consist of a relational database, a Unix (or NT) image server (daemon) and an administrative client application to manage the database.

- The relational oracle database store the images information (Acquisition date, satellite, sensor, localisation, quality, ...) and the access path to the imagery file.
- The Unix (or NT) server contains the images files and the tools to import, consult, update and delete images.
- The client interface allow to manage users, layers and images. It’s possible through this tool to import images (in various format), to consult the catalogue and display images, to export images (in a raw format), to update metadata, etc.