Advanced contextual image processing of satellite imagery for land planning and management in cross border areas

Research project T4/DD/15 (Research action T4)

Persons :

Description :

Objectives :

The last phase of the project " Application of spaceborne remote sensing to the identification of conurbations and analysis of the impact of major regional planning projects on the environment" was realised in 1997. This last phase has as main objective the identification of the potential uses of the Lille transborder agglomeration and of the Calais-Boulogne littoral landuse maps for country planning of this Franco-Belgian territory. Following on from this study, the landuse map of the Franco-Belgian Lille area is one of the main sources for the project GROOtSTAD (GRensoverschrijdend Ontwikellings- en Ordeningschema voor de Frans-belgische metropole Lille - via Terra - Élaboration d'un Schéma Transfrontalier de Développement et d'Aménagement du territoire pour la métropole lilloise franco-belge). This project is in the frame of the "terre" program of the European Commission (DG XVI). This project works with an ascending process of planning under the control of the COPIT (Conférence Permanente Intercommunale Transfrontalière).

Methods :

- Improvement of the added value of the satellite landcover map of the Lille transborder agglomeration by modelling with the potential methodology.

- The functions and the potential models used exploit the raster nature of satellite images. The area of satellite pixels is very small in comparison with the surface of classical census tracts. Moreover, they cover all the space without gaps or overlaps. Uniformity of pixels allows to avoid or to limit the fluctuation effect in the segmentation of space and that is usually very sensitive with spatial models. Variations in pixel size and of the size of the convolution windows allow examining the same geographical reality at the current scale but also at higher and/or lower scales.

Results :

- Residential potential;
- Urban potential;
- Urban Morphological Zone (UMZ) simple;
- Urban Morphological Zone (UMZ) adapted to the communal boundary;
- Comparison between UMZ obtained by morphological closing and by threshold of urban potential;
- Dasymetric map of the density of population;
- Eco-landscape segmentation.