Research project TO/DD/01 (Research action TO)
The specific tasks of the PROJECT fall within the following 3 sections:
- Pilot and feasibility study
- Epidemiology
- Process and effect evaluation of theMASS/MSOC’s
Pilot and feasibility study :
. Stock-taking of the available and accessible data concerning the operation of the MASS/MSOC‘s vis-à-vis the users of their services,
. Stock-taking of the missing data which must be generated by the research itself,
. Then, and taking the results of the first step into account, decisions must be taken concerning the choice of the methodological instruments to be used.
Epidemiology of problematic drug use and the assistance offer:
. Assessment of the geographical zone of influence of the MASS/MSOC’s and territorial demarcation of the epidemiological studies,
. Estimation of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of drug use in the selected geographical zones, in particular with regard to problematic and marginalised drug users,
. Analysis of the assistance offer in the selected zones, and study of the possibilities for functional collaboration between the services involved,
. Assessment of the internal functioning of the MASS/MSOC’s and their abilities to intervene in the respective assistance networks.
Process and effect evaluation of the MASS/MSOC‘s, vis-à-vis both the clients of the services and the regional network:
. Process evaluation: detailed and strategic analysis of the participation of the MASS/MSOC’s in the regional network,
. Effect evaluation: detailed analysis of the effects of the treatment provided by the MASS/MSOC’s to the users of their services,
. Effect evaluation: analysis of the effects of the activities of the MASS/MSOC 's on the assistance network.
Evaluatie van de medisch-sociale opvangcentra voor druggebruikers: deelrapport, Antwerpen-Genk/Limburg
Pelc, I - De Ruyver, B. - Casselman, J. ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0795)
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