PX/8/SS/20: Observation and modelling of FUV aurora and magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling in the giant planets (coordinator of the project)
PX/8/SS/21: Auroral Precipitation from IMAGE Ultraviolet Global Imaging (coordinator of the project)
CG/DD1/05: Biogeochemical cycles of forest ecosystems related to Global Change and Sustainable Development
CG/DD1/11: The global carbon cycle and the future atmospheric CO2 level
GC/C/12: Global modelling of coupled chemical-climatic changes caused by human activities
IT/SC/030: Global changes of the chemical composition and climate due to human activity
PX/5A/SS/10: FOC-Cycle 6 - HST (coordinator of the project)
PX/5A/SS/03: FUV - Preparation for Data Exploitation - IMAGE (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/SS/04: Data Exploitation - HST (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/SS/07: FUV - Data Exploitation - IMAGE (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/SS/14: Data Exploitation - HST (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/SS/15: FUV - Data Exploitation - IMAGE (coordinator of the project)
PY/1/SS/05: FOC-Cycle 1 - HST (coordinator of the project)
PY/2/SS/03: FOC-Cycles 2/3 - HST (coordinator of the project)
PY/3/SS/07: FOC-Cycle 4 - HST (coordinator of the project)
Px/8/SS/26: Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the Venus and Mars upper atmospheres (coordinator of the project)
BR/143/A2/SCOOP: Vers une étude synergique de l'atmosphère des planètes telluriques (SCOOP)