MO/36/016: The fossil cetacean collection of the RBINS, primary source for unravelling the toothed whale faunal turnover during the Miocene
BR/132/PI/PASTREE: New Plant Architectural Strategies and TerrestRialisation patterns in the Early Eifelian (PASTREE) (coordinator of the project)
BR/143/A3/COLDCASE: Re-opening of the Bernissart Iguanodon crime scene (COLDCASE) (coordinator of the project)
BR/175/A2/CHICXULUB: Chicxulub 2016 IODP-ICDP deep drilling: From cratering to mass extinction (CHICXULUB)
B2/202/P1/Paradi2s: PARAsitic DIversity, vectors, host and transfers in Early Cretaceous DInosaur aSsociated vertebrates (PARADI2S)
B2/202/P2/Iguanodon2: Shepherding the "Belle-Epoque" Bernissart Iguanodon collection into the 21st Century (Iguanodon 2.0)