OA/16: Belgian Polar Research Cluster (BE_POLES)
OA/25: Solas Belgium
SD/CA/03A: Integrated Study of Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry and Climate Interactions in the Anthropocene (BELCANTO III)
SD/CA/03B: Integrated Study of Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry and Climate Interactions in the Anthropocene (BELCANTO III) (PHASE II)
SD/CA/05A: BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth System (BIGSOUTH)
SD/CA/04A: Understanding and predicting Antarctic sea ice variability at the decadal timescale (PREDANTAR) (coordinator of the project)
BR/121/A2/PAMEXEA: PAtterns and Mechanisms of EXtreme weather in East Africa (PAMEXEA)
BR/165/A2/Mass2Ant: East Antarctic surface mass Balance in the Anthropocene: Observations and multiscale modelling (Mass2Ant)