• Institution : Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale
  • Address : Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 TERVUREN

Projects :

MO/37/015: Decoding of the environmental information in the woody tissue of tropical trees : a wood anatomical and chemical contribution

MO/37/019: Decoding of the environmental information in the woody tissue of tropical trees : a wood anatomical and chemical contribution (AFRODENDRO)

SD/AR/01A: Congo basin integrated monitoring for forest carbon mitigation and biodiversity (COBIMFO)

AG/LL/165: Valorisation of the Tervuren xylarium for rainforest ecology: investigation of wood collections to underpin REDD+ and other new mechnisms for tropical forest conservation (XYLAREDD) (coordinator of the project)

BR/132/A1/AFRIFORD: Genetic and paleoecological signatures of African rainforest dynamics: pre-adapted to change? (AFRIFORD)

UN/31: Traits fonctionnels provenant des collections et des inventaires d’écosystèmes dans les Réserves de Biosphère en Afrique Centrale afin d’étudier la résilience des forêts tropicales (BIOSPHERETRAITS) (coordinator of the project)

BR/143/A3/HERBAXYLAREDD: Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD) (coordinator of the project)

BR/165/A3/COBECORE: Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE)

B2/191/P2/TOCOWO: In support of the international travel of the ethnographic collections: Identification of Congolese wooden objects using micro-CT and sub-micro-CT (TOCOWO)

B2/202/P2/SmartwoodID: Smart classification of Congolese timbers (SmartwoodID)

IM/RT/22/ENFORCE: Expertise centre for Forensic Wood Research (ENFORCE)