SD/RI/06A: A decision support tool to manage climate change risks to forest ecosystems (EcoRisk)
BR/121/A2/MASC: Modelling and Assessing Surface Change impacts on Belgian and Western European climate (MASC)
BR/132/A1/FORBIOCLIMATE: Adaptation potential of biodiverse forests in the face of climate change (FORBIOCLIMATE)
BR/154/A1/RespirIT: Assessing spatio-temporal relationships between respiratory health and biodiversity using individual wearable technology (RespirIT
BL/34/C-SA01: Exploring the influence of climate change on the microbial wine terroir, from vineyard soil to high quality wine (CLIMAVIN)
B2/212/P2/CLIMPACTH: Climate Impact on Built Heritage (CLIMPATCH)