CG/DD1/26: Electric and hybrid vehicles: a measure to reduce tropospheric ozone?
HL/DD/17: Development and application of indicators of sustainable development in Belgium: sectoral approach (agriculture and transport)
MD/DD/02: Sustainable Mobility Information System (SMIS)
MD/DD/05: Sustainable Mobility in the Brussels Region
MD/DD/21: Analyzing and monitoring social practices that determine the demand for mobility
AP/01: Spatially disaggregated transport indicators for Belgium
SD/CP/01A: Aviation and the Belgian climate policy : analysis of integration options and impacts (ABC Impacts)
SD/CP/02A: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures - Case study : floods (ADAPT)
SD/TM/04A: Clean vehicle research: LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) and policy measures (CLEVER)
SD/CP/01B: Aviation and the Belgian climate policy : analysis of integration options and impacts (ABC Impacts) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)
SD/CP/02B: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures - Case study : floods (ADAPT) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TM/04B: Clean vehicle research: LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) and policy measures (CLEVER) (PHASE II)