OR/12/005: Multimodal Georeferencing of 3D VHR Optical and X-band SAR Imagery (GEMITOR)
P3/47: Nonlinear optics
T3/E1: Demonstration and evaluation of radar interferometry, using ERS-1 satellite images
T4/DD/14: Validation of radar interferometry applied to JERS-1 and RADARSAT
T4/DD/38: InSAR baseline combination for topographical phase reference generation
T4/DD/56: Assessment of the critical parameters determining the vulnerability of dams in Vietnam by making use of radar satellite data
S0/00/001: Regional crop modelling via hydrological simulation and assimilation of remote-detection information (STEREOCROP)
S0/00/004: Advanced methods for SAR remote-detection processing (ASARTECH)
PX/5A/SS/02: FUV - Development - IMAGE (coordinator of the project)
PX/5A/SS/07: OMC - Development - INTEGRAL (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/SS/11: COROT - Development - COROT (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/SS/16: SECCHI - Development - STEREO (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/SS/22: LYRA - Development - PROBA-2 (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/SS/29: MIRI - Development - JWST (coordinator of the project)
PY/1/SS/01: EIT - Development - SOHO (coordinator of the project)
PY/2/SS/01: OM - Development - XMM (coordinator of the project)
PY/4/SS/10: EIT - Calibration - Sounding Rocket (coordinator of the project)
S0/00/053: Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (POLINSAR)