The research projects are over. The personal data are no longer available.
AG/DD/39: Harmonisation of statistical concepts in the social security
SO/01/006: Invisible pensions in Belgium
SO/01/010: The dynamics of social security in Europe
SO/01/011: On the way towards a new co-ordination regulation
AG/EE/070: Validation of the individual part of the social security concept matrix (Federal Ministry of Social Affairs)
AG/FF/084: Supplementary social provisions 2nd and 3rd pillars: preparation of a database
SO/01/061: The impact of increased labour market flexibility on social security
AG/HH/115: Datawarehouse "Labour Market and Social Protection": expansion concerning the content and methodology (DW-AMSB)
TA/00/14: European tools for social policy in Belgium (
AG/KK/154: The socio-economic and financial position of the disabled (HANDILAB)
AG/KK/157: Development and methodological deepening of the data warehouse labour market and social protection (DOCDWH) (coordinator of the project)
TA/00/47: Pension protection of first, second and subsequent generation(s) of immigrants in Belgium (MIGRAGE) (coordinator of the project)