BL/B/07: Analysis and modelling of long-term variations of the near earth's radiation environment with the LIULIN-4 detector on board of the international space station
BL/B/04: Development of experimental tests of the models of the earth's radiation environment on the base of data obtained by LIULIN (MIR)
MO/35/001: Determination of the velocity distribution functions of particles in the exosphere of the Earth and of the planets
PX/5B/SS/14: Probing Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetopause - CLUSTER-II (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/LP/19: Crystallization of Photorefractive Materials - TBD (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/SS/28: Data Exploitation - CLUSTER-II (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/SS/04: Data Exploitation - CLUSTER-II (coordinator of the project)
PY/3/SS/01: Solar Wind Study - ULYSSES (coordinator of the project)
MO/35/015: Interaction between the solar corona and the interplanetary dust grains
MO/35/010: Study of the plasmasphere and the plasmapause