MN/DD1/007: MARE-DASM: Marine Resources Damage Assessment and Sustainable Management of the North Sea
EV/21: Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BALANS)
MA/02: Towards a spatial structure plan for sustainable management of the sea (GAUFRE)
EV/36: Risk analysis of marine activities in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (RAMA)
EV/44: Emissions of CO2, SO2 and NOx from ships (ECOSONOS)
OA/19: Cluster Sustainable Management North Sea (SUMANOS)
OA/23: Marine Incidents Management Cluster (MIMAC)
SD/NS/01A: Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine activities (CLIMAR)
SD/NS/01B: Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine activities (CLIMAR) (PHASE II)
SD/NS/11A: An ecosystem approach in sustainable fisheries management through local ecological knowledge (LECOFISH) (coordinator of the project)