MO/34/003: Evapotranspiration assessment in the perspective of the next generation of Meteosat satellites data
PX/6/EO/16: SAF Land - Development - MSG, METOP (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/EO/15: SAF Land - Development - MSG, METOP (coordinator of the project)
PX/8/EO/02: RMIB Contribution to the LSA-SAF (Land Surface Analysis – Satellite Application Facility) EUMETSAT Project (coordinator of the project)
SR/00/101: Global Agricultural Monitoring systems by integration of earth observation and modelling techniques (GLOBAM)
SR/00/301: High-resolution modelling and monitoring of water and energy transfers in wetland ecosystems (HIWET)
SR/34/163: Evapotranspiration: Monitoring at high resolution with MSG and Moderate resolution satellites (EVA-3M)