CG/DD1/02: Anthropogenic and biogenic influences on the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere
EV/06: Anthropogenic and biogenic influences on the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere
PX/6/EO/02: GOME - UV Data Exploitation - ERS-2 (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/EO/05: UV and Ozone Data Exploitation - ENVISAT (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/EO/10: UV and Ozone Data Exploitation - ENVISAT (coordinator of the project)
PY/4/EO/15: GOME - UV Data Exploitation - ERS-2 (coordinator of the project)
PX/8/EO/07: Tropospheric ozone precursors from satellites (coordinator of the project)
SD/AT/03A: Impact of Biogenic emissions on Organic aerosols and Oxidants in the Troposphere (IBOOT) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TE/03A: Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions from forest ecosystems (IMPECVOC)
SD/AT/03B: Impact of Biogenic emissions on Organic aerosols and Oxidants in the Troposphere (IBOOT) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TE/03B: Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions from forest ecosystems (IMPECVOC) (PHASE II)
SD/CS/05A: Biogenic Influences on Oxidants and Secondary Organic Aerosol: theoretical, laboratory and modelling investigations (BIOSOA) (coordinator of the project)
MO/35/027: Organic aerosols generated from the oxidation of biogenic organic compounds: A modelling study (coordinator of the project)
SR/00/322: • Assessment of isoprene emission by hyperspectral data (HYPI)