CG/DD1/04: Species diversity: Importance for sustainable ecosystems and impact of climate change
EV/13: Invasion and biodiversity in grasslands and field borders
EV/27: Invasive Plants in Belgium: Patterns, Processes and Monitoring (INPLANBEL)
OA/24: PERINBEL : Public PERception of INvasive species in BELgium
SD/BD/01A: Biodiversity impacts of highly invasive alien plants: mechanisms, enhancing factors and risk assessment (ALIEN IMPACT) (coordinator of the project)
SD/BD/05A: Mycorrhizae impact on biodiversity and C-balance of grassland ecosystems under changing climate (MYCARBIO)
SD/BD/01B: Biodiversity impacts of highly invasive alien plants: mechanisms, enhancing factors and risk assessment (ALIEN IMPACT) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)