PX/8/LP/27: Microgravity data analysis exploitation (coordinator of the project)
BL/B/03: Analysis of fluctuations in cardiac rhythm during extended periods under microgravity
CM/00/A015: Medical monitoring and assistance of patients at home (SAMED) - Second phase
PX/5A/LP/27: Cardiorespiratory Studies - MIR (coordinator of the project)
PX/5A/LP/29: Respiratory Physiology - Telescience - MIR, STS (NEUROLAB) (coordinator of the project)
PX/5A/LP/28: Sleep & Respiration in Microgravity - STS (NEUROLAB) (coordinator of the project)
PX/5B/LP/06: ARMS-2 - STS-107 (coordinator of the project)
PY/1/LP/08: RESPITRACE - D-2, MIR-95 (coordinator of the project)
PY/4/LP/05: RESPITRACE-2 - EUROMIR-95 (coordinator of the project)
PY/4/LP/06: RESPITRACE-2 - Telescience - EUROMIR-95 (coordinator of the project)
PX/7/LP/11: Cardio-respiratory Adaptation to Microgravity (CARDIOCOG-RESPI) (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/LP/03: The Effect of Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) and Long-Term Exposure to Microgravity on Pulmonary Function