SO/02/015: Inspection services with special police powers. What do they do?
SO/02/016: "Stated goals" of Autonomous Police Treatment (APT). Study of the opportunity of APT and evaluation of its effectiveness
DR/03: Drugs and Nuisance. Study of the phenomenon, the control and the effects of Drug related nuisance, all this from different perspectives
AG/DD/005: Contextualization of statistical material for local purposes
DR/09: Meta-analysis on the impact of local projects on drug-related nuisance (METAN)
DR/16: Effects of the different judicial treatments for drug users
DR/20: Implementation of the knowledge concerning drugs by the police and the magistracy
DR/22: Monitor integral (local) policy concerning drugs
AG/GG/104: Optimization of the use of the Security monitor, development of a Mini Monitor, a complementary module and methods for conducting polls
AG/GG/102: Virtual library Justice - Police
AG/GG/093: Complaints management for the judicial order
DR/16: Effects of the different judicial treatments for drug users
AG/HH/124: Database « Environmental crime » (EcoCrim)
TA/00/03: Multiple community policing: how do you mean? (MCP)
DR/33: Do's en don'ts in a comprehensive and integrated drug policy (DODONBEL)
DR/36: Essential and supplementary preconditions for the interaction of justice and drug treatment services (JUSTHULP)