Prof. dr. REA Andrea

  • Institution : Université Libre de Bruxelles, Groupe d'étude sur l'Ethnicité, le Racisme, les Migrations et l'Exclusion (GERME)
  • Language : French
  • Address : Avenue Jeanne 44, 1050 BRUXELLES
  • Phone : 02/650.33.72
  • Fax : 02/650.46.59
  • E-mail :
  • Web site :

Projects :

SE/D3/02: The impacts of new socio-penal policies on social relations and the feeling of insecurity in the cities

SO/11/041: The attitudes towards asylum seekers in Brussels and in Wallonia

SO/10/038: Shifts in the justice's system powers

UN/12/01:  UNESCO actions : Social science and governance

TA/00/13: New migration and new migrants in Belgium (NOMIBE)

AP/24: The studentmigration flow to Belgium and its management: history, state of affairs and prognosis

TA/00/30: Factors and Dynamics Affecting and Explinaing Female Migration and Integration in Belgian Society (FEMIGRIN)

AG/JJ/141: Research possibilities on the trajectories of ex regularisation applicants (ROUTE)

DR/55: Poly drug use and mental health among drug users who ask for treatment (POLYMEH)

TA/00/42: Migratory Careers of New Migrants in Belgium (CAREERS) (coordinator of the project)

BR/175/A5/PUMOMIG: Public opinion, mobilisations and policies concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrants times (Europe and Belgium)(PUMOMIG)