S0/00/003: Optical remote detection of coastal waters (BELCOLOUR)
EV/19: Advanced modelling and research on eutrophication linking eutrophication and biological resources (AMORE II)
PX/6/EO/32: Coastal Water Chlorophyll Mapping - PROBA-1 (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/EO/31: MERIS - Operational Model Calibration - ENVISAT (coordinator of the project)
PX/8/EO/08: MERIS water product validation in Belgian waters (BELMER) (coordinator of the project)
OA/14: Cluster : Eutrophication
OA/17: An information and communication technologies ICT-based course in Earth observation with emphasis on imaging spectroscopy and including hands-on applications
MO/36/018: Modelling the impact of the physical and biological environment on the recruitment of Solea solea fish larvae (SOLEMOD)
SD/NS/03A: Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and Human Activity on Coastal Ecosystem Health (AMORE III)
SR/00/104: Optical remote sensing of marine and inland waters (BELCOLOUR-2) (coordinator of the project)
SR/00/111: Reconstruction of colour scenes (RECOLOUR)
S0/00/051: Application and validation of generic algorithms for Hyperspectral data cubes (HYPERWAVE)
S0/58/041: Bottom Reflectance and Adjacency Experiment for Belgian coastal and inland waters (BRADEX)
S0/XX/806: Development of didactical material on Imaging spectroscopy (HYPERTEACH)
SD/NS/03B: Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and Human Activity on Coastal Ecosystem Health (AMORE III) (PHASE II)
BL/FSI/10: A network for marine optics measurements in turbid waters (TURBINET) (coordinator of the project)
SR/36/161: Dynamics of river plumes from MERIS, MODIS and GOCI ocean colour data (BEL-GOYA)
SR/00/335: Hyperspectral and multi-mission high resolution optical remote sensing of aquatic environments (HYPERMAQ)