AS/DD/17: For a dictionary of sustainable development in Belgium
AS/DD/16: Modelling and decision-making aids for sustainable development: research avenues
CP/26: The clean development mechanism: designing the tools and implementation
CP/46: Methodology and feasibility of sustainability impact assessments (SIA)
OA/20: Sustainable consumption: what role for consumers?
SD/TA/09A: Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators of well-being in Belgium (WELLBEBE) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TA/03A: CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns (CONSENTSUS)
SD/TA/03B: CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns (CONSENTSUS) (PHASE II)
SD/TA/09B: Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators of well-being in Belgium (WELLBEBE) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)