AP/13: Company Cars Analysis (COCA) (coordinator of the project)
CP/41: Spatial analysis and modelling based on activities (SAMBA)
MD/DD/06: Coupling of a traffic simulation model and an emissions simulation model
MD/DD/08: Development and pilot-testing of a national households travel survey
MD/DD/12: Integration of traffic and economic models for evaluation of urban transport policy
MD/DD/18: Study of households’ activity chains through a national survey
TR/B7/011: Urban behavioural models and analysis of modal choices in Belgium
AG/EE/064: Creation of a "mobility" trend chart in the RER zone (Ministry of Communications and Infrastructure)
CP/42: Determinants of modal choice in trip chains
S3/C3/006: Integrated freight analysis within cities (INFACT)
CP/60: Demography, geography and mobility: long-term outlook and policies for a sustainable development (MOBIDIC)
CP/62: Integrating quantitative and qualitative research on daily mobility and social temporalities (MOTUS&QUANLI) (coordinator of the project)
OA/26: The valorization of transportation models to enable sustainable transportation
AP/03: RER Area parking data collection and Exercice for a SP survey (RAPIDES)
SD/TA/04A: Mobilities and long term location choices in Belgium (MOBLOC) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TM/03A: Behaviour and mobility within the week (BMW) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TM/06A: Professionnal mobility and car ownership (PROMOCO) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TA/04B: Mobilities and long term location choices in Belgium (MOBLOC) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)
AG/JJ/150: Survey on the mobility of the Belgian population (BELDAM) (coordinator of the project)
AP/30: Bicycle Traffic indicators: identification and harmonization of data sources (BITS)
AP/39: Methods for Estimating Belgian Traffic Abroad and foreigner traffic in Belgium (MEBETA) (coordinator of the project)