Prof. dr. VAN CLEEMPUT Oswald

  • Institution : Universiteit Gent, Vakgroep voor Toegepaste Analytische en fysische Chemie
  • Language : Dutch

The research projects are over. The personal data are no longer available.

Projects :

CG/DD1/07: Parameterisation and inventarisation of gaseous nitrogen compounds from agricultural sources

E7/BIATEX: BIATEX (BIosphere - ATmosphere EXchange of pollutants): emission of C1-C3 hydrocarbons and NH3 from the soil

E7/BIATEX: BIATEX (BIosphere - ATmosphere EXchange of pollutants): emission of C1-C3 hydrocarbons and NH3 from the soil

EV/12: Carbon sequestration potential in different Belgian terrestrial ecosystems: quantification and strategic exploration (CASTEC)

OA/11: Carbon sinks in major Belgian Terrestrial Ecosystems