The research projects are over. The personal data are no longer available.
AG/DD/37: Directory of local production units
DB/DD/013: Labour market data interface
DB/DD/052: Women's employment and segregation
SE/D8/04: Preservation through modernisation: the trade-union movement on the eve of the 21st century
SO/01/012: Labour market mobility, constructing a statistical framework
AG/EE/058: Immigrants in Belgium: immigration and the labour market (Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour)
AG/DD/45: Preparatory study for the creation of a managerial staff observatory
AG/FF/080: New forms of labour market flexibility and work quality
AG/GG/095: Adaptation of the labour market datawarehouse to the E-government of the social security
AG/GG/106: Statistical valorisation of the PRIMA database and integration within the Datawarehouse Labour Market
AG/GG/113: Introduction of ISCO codes as part of data relating to self-employed workers and updating of RSVZ-INASTI codes of occupations. Analysis of job mobility and sectoral mobility among the self-employed
AG/HH/111: Optimalisation and valorisation of the database « Collectively agreed wages and working time » (COA-CCT)
AG/HH/113: Development of the « occupational accidents » datawarehouse (AcciTrav)