SE/D8/02: Can the State intervene in the development of the social economy sector?
SO/02/020: Effects of normalisation on farm organisation and structure of the agricultural sector
CP/18: Development strategies for a multifunctional agriculture in peri-urban areas
CP/19: How can organic farming contribute to sustainable production and consumption patterns?
MA/03: Sustainability of certified production systems : the case of labels in the food sector (coordinator of the project)
CP/47: Preconditions for sustainable land use by agriculture in urbanising network society
OA/12: Sustainable agriculture: an integrated approach for communication between scientists and stakeholders
OA/22: Platform for scientific concertation: Food Safety
SD/AF/05A: Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable and competitive agriculture (MUSICAL) (coordinator of the project)
SD/AF/05B: Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable and competitive agriculture (MUSICAL) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)
SD/RI/03A: Meteorological risks as drivers of environmental innovation in agro-ecosystem management (MERINOVA)