DR/57: Drugs in figures (DIC III)
DR/58: Analysis and optimization of substitution treatment in Belgium (SUBANOP) (coordinator of the project)
DR/61: Drug treatment Court Ghent, qualitative outcome evaluation (QUALECT) (coordinator of the project)
DR/65: The social cost of legal and illegal drugs in Belgium (SOCOST) (coordinator of the project)
DR/70: PRocess and Outcome Study of Prison-basEd Registration points (PROSPER)
DR/78: Feasibility study on drug consumption rooms in Belgium (DRUGROOM)
DR/75: Social prevention of drug related harms (SOCPREV)
DR/71: The Law of 2009 concerning the selling and serving of alcohol to youths: from state of the art to assessment (ALCOLAW)
DR/83: The Evaluation of the Belgian Drug Policy (EVADRUG)
DR/87: Prevalence and effects of performance enhancing drugs in different groups: lessons for a preventive and curative policy in Belgium (PREVPED)
DR/79: Understanding New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) use in Belgium from a health perspective (NPS-care)
DR/89: Substance Use and Mental Health care InTegration, a study of service networks in mental health and substance use disorders in Belgium, their accessibility, and the user’s needs (SUMHIT)