AS/DD/02: Development of scientifically-founded environmental information for Belgium
AS/DD/07: Stepping up federal participation in the work of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and EIONET (European Environment Information and Observation Network)
CG/DD1/211: Simulation model for evaluating combinations of CO2 emission reduction measures
CG/DD1/30: Inventory and approach to barriers for climate policy
HL/DD/22: Indicators for sustainable development in the belgian industry
HL/DD/23: Environmental decision- making methods and instruments
SD/CL/006: Establishment of an hoc forum for the comparison of the TIMES-MARKAL an LEAP model as a support for Belgian Long-term energy policy (FORUM) (coordinator of the project)
SD/EN/08A: Household Energy Consumption and Rebound Effect (HECORE)
SD/EN/07A: SEPIA, Sustainable Energy Policy Integrated Assessment – A normative contribution to decision support (coordinator of the project)