AP/13: Company Cars Analysis (COCA)
CP/34: Innovative spatial techniques for the analysis of traffic safety
AG/EE/064: Creation of a "mobility" trend chart in the RER zone (Ministry of Communications and Infrastructure)
AG/EE/054: Utilisation of data concerning traffic safety (Federal Police)
CP/61: Transportation dependence and transportation autonomy of children (aged 10 to 13)
OA/26: The valorization of transportation models to enable sustainable transportation
AP/03: RER Area parking data collection and Exercice for a SP survey (RAPIDES)
SD/TM/05A: A behavioural analysis and examination of environmental implications of multimodal transportation choice (ESTIMATE) (coordinator of the project)
SD/TM/06A: Professionnal mobility and car ownership (PROMOCO)
AG/JJ/150: Survey on the mobility of the Belgian population (BELDAM)
AP/30: Bicycle Traffic indicators: identification and harmonization of data sources (BITS) (coordinator of the project)
AP/39: Methods for Estimating Belgian Traffic Abroad and foreigner traffic in Belgium (MEBETA)