• Institution : Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut de Gestion de l'environnement et d'aménagement du territoire (IGEAT) Centre d'Etudes du Développement Durable
  • Language : French
  • Address : Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, CP 130/02, 1050 BRUXELLES
  • Phone : 02/650 43 32
  • Fax : 02/650 43 12
  • E-mail :
  • Web site :

Projects :

AS/DD/23: Platform for scientific dialogue "Indicators for sustainable development"

HL/DD/05: Policy instruments for sustainable development and the citizens'role

CP/12: Feasibility of an environmentally-sound product-policy in Belgium

CP/17: Criteria and impulses for changes towards a sustainable consumption: approach per sector

CP/46: Methodology and feasibility of sustainability impact assessments (SIA)

CP/50: Specifying household profiles for more efficient energy demand side management (coordinator of the project)

OA/02: Platform for scientific dialogue "Indicators for sustainable development"

OA/20: Sustainable consumption: what role for consumers? (coordinator of the project)

AP/22: Participatory prospective and planning for sustainable development: Analysis of methods and initiatives (coordinator of the project)

SD/TA/07A: Integration of Standardisation, Ecodesign and Users in energy-using products (ISEU) (coordinator of the project)

SD/TA/03A: CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns (CONSENTSUS)

SD/TA/09A: Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators of well-being in Belgium (WELLBEBE)

SD/TA/03B: CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns (CONSENTSUS) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)

SD/TA/07B: Integration of Standardisation, Ecodesign and Users in energy-using products (ISEU) (PHASE II) (coordinator of the project)

SD/TA/09B: Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators of well-being in Belgium (WELLBEBE) (PHASE II)

SD/CL/005: Belgium Ecossystem Services : a new vision for society-nature interaction (BEES)

SD/EN/08A: Household Energy Consumption and Rebound Effect (HECORE) (coordinator of the project)

BR/153/A5/SUSPENS: Reconciling environmental and social goals in the transition towards a low-carbon society (SUSPENS)

BR/175/A4/MIGRADAPT: Making Migration Work for Adaptation to Environmental Changes. A Belgian Appraisal (MIGRADAPT)