Prof. dr. CAHEN-DELHAYE Anne

Projects :

BL/P/06: Palaeolithic stone-working industries in the Cracow area

BL/R/02: Archaeological research in the Scytho-Siberian tombs of the Altaï Mountains

BL/R/03: Study of transitions between the Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic periods in southern Siberia

MO/38/002: The lithic technology in prehistory. Inter-regional comparative approach

MO/38/003: Lithic technology in Prehistory. Inter-regional comparative approach

MO/38/004: The Gallo-Roman metallic vessel in North Gaul - Survey of the Belgian material and its socio-economic context

MO/38/008: Late Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic industries in different regions of Europe

MO/38/010: Late Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic industries in different regions of Europe