CG/DD1/01: ESAC I : Experimental study of atmospheric changes
E7/TOPAS/1: EUROTRAC-TOPAS (Tropospheric OPtical Absorption Spectroscopy), study of the troposphere by optical spectroscopy
E7/TOPAS/1: EUROTRAC-TOPAS (Tropospheric OPtical Absorption Spectroscopy), study of the troposphere by optical spectroscopy
EV/03: Experimental studies of atmospheric changes II (ESAC-II)
GC/A/02: SMAC : Spectroscopic Measurements of Atmospheric Changes
PX/5A/EO/17: IASI / ACE - Preparation for Data Exploitation - METOP / SciSAT-1 (coordinator of the project)
PX/6/EO/14: IASI / ACE - Preparation for Data Exploitation - METOP / SciSAT-1 (coordinator of the project)