Prof. dr. DE MEESTER Luc

Projects :

EV/29: Integrated management tools for water bodies in agricultural landscapes (MANSCAPE)

SD/BD/02A: Towards a sustainable management of pond diversity at the landscape level (PONDSCAPE)

SD/BD/02B: Towards a sustainable management of pond diversity at the landscape level (PONDSCAPE) (PHASE II)

SD/CL/005: Belgium Ecossystem Services : a new vision for society-nature interaction (BEES)

SD/TE/06A: ECOsystem services of FRESHwater systems (ECOFRESH)

P7/04: SPatial and environmental determinants of Eco-Evolutionary DYnamics: anthropogenic environments as a model (coordinator of the project)

BR/175/A1/ORCA: A comparative analysis of ORganic and Conventional Agriculture’s impact on Aquatic systems (ORCA)

BR/154/A6/SAFRED: Saving Freshwater Biodiversity Research Data (SAFRED)

B2/RT/24/TRANSPONDER: Transnational biodiversity and ecosystem assessment approaches for pondscapes in Europe (TRANSPONDER)