MO/37/017: Molecular & morphological characterisation of fruit fly (Diptera, Tephritidae) pests in Africa
MO/37/022: Biodiversity and molecular evolutionary studies of leaf-mining moths in the Afrotropical region (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae)
MO/37/029:  (coordinator of the project)
AG/LL/163: Ensuring Belgian Natural History Collections for the 22nd Century: towards a joint tissue and DNA collection (MOLCOL) (coordinator of the project)
BL/FSI/08: Monitoring Netwerk voor Fruitvliegen in Zuidoost Afrika (FRUITFLYNET) (coordinator of the project)
BL/erafrica/01: Detection Methods for Fruit Flies of Economic Significance to Fruit and Vegetable Production in Africa and Indian Ocean Islands (FRUITFLY) (coordinator of the project)
BR/154/PI/SYMDIV: SYMDIV : Symbiont diversity and feeding strategies in insect agricultural pests
IM/RT/23/BopCo-CE: Towards a Belgian Expert Centre for the Identification of Biological Specimens and Products of Policy Concern (BopCo-CE)
IM/MB/21/BopCo-Ce: Barcoding Facility for Organisms and Tissues of Policy Concern - Centre of Excellence (BopCo-Ce)
BL/37/SA10: Pollination services as a tool to study interactions between agriculture and Man and the Biosphere Reserves in South Africa (AGRIMAB)