Prof. dr. DE WULF Robert

Projects :

OR/02/001: Synergy of very high resolution optical and radar data in forest mapping and inventory (SYNOPRA)

BL/C/07: Application of remote sensing and hydrological modelling techniques for land and water management in Karst areas of Guizhou province

T4/DD/35: Imaging radar for mapping and monitoring of wetland ecosystems in the Chad Basin

T4/DD/65: Establishment and application of a geographical information system, including spatial remote sensing applications, to support sustainable environmental planning in the northern coastal provinces of North Vietnam

S0/00/002: Spatial information mining for local and regional authorities on the basis of very-high-resolution data (SPIDER)

PX/6/EO/19: Wetlands - ERS-2, ENVISAT (coordinator of the project)

SR/00/114: Development of a remote sensing derived tool to assess the impact of conservation policy measures and drought on East African ecosystems (ENDELEO) (coordinator of the project)

S0/02/030: Remote Sensing in Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Rangeland Management (RANGELAND)

S0/02/074: Object-based segmentation and biophysical characterization of saltmarsh vegetation using hyperspectral AHS imagery (HISMAC)

SR/00/136: Support to remote sensing based services in Kenya to assess the impact of conservation policy measures and drought on East African ecosystems (ENDELEO/OPS) (coordinator of the project)

BR/121/A2/MASC: Modelling and Assessing Surface Change impacts on Belgian and Western European climate (MASC)

SR/00/307: Urban Ecosystem Analysis supported by Remote sensing (URBANEARS)