A3/03/002: Dynamics of the Antarctic ice cap and climatic changes
A4/DD/E03: Dynamics of the Antarctic ice cap and climate changes (a contribution to EPICA).
BL/R/06: Glacier fluctuations and climatic change in South Siberia
CG/DD1/09: Modelling the climate and its evolution at the global and regional scales (CLIMOD network)
EV/08: Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics and climatic change: modelling and ice composition studies (AMICS)
EV/09: Modelling the evolution of climate and sea level over the third millennium (MILMO)
GC/C/10: Three-dimensional modelling of the continental cryosphere
T3/A4: Fundamental research with respect to GIS (Geographical Information Systems)
T4/DD/02: Land-cover classification and estimation of land-cover proportions at a global scale
T4/DD/40: Biome classification and estimates of biome proportions on a global scale using vegetation data
T4/DD/59: Use of VHR data for the inventarisation of (un)built areas: an integrated methodology including quality control, for the "management of space" in Flanders "Ruimtelijk beleid in Vlaanderen"
PX/5A/EO/20: TANDEM-B303 - ERS-1/2 (coordinator of the project)
OA/16: Belgian Polar Research Cluster (BE_POLES)