Prof. dr. DESMAREZ Pierre

  • Institution : Université Libre de Bruxelles, Centre de Sociologie du Travail de l'Emploi et de la Formation
  • Language : French
  • Address : Avenue Jeanne 44, 1050 Bruxelles
  • Phone : 02/650.34.30
  • Fax : 02/650.33.35
  • E-mail :

Projects :

SO/11/046: Labour market mobility, constructing a statistical framework

AG/EE/058: Immigrants in Belgium: immigration and the labour market (Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour)

AG/EE/071: Inventory of data collected from companies (ASA)

AG/DD/45: Preparatory study for the creation of a managerial staff observatory

AG/FF/080: New forms of labour market flexibility and work quality

AG/DD/001: Datawarehouse labour market (1) - Labour accounts (2)

AG/GG/095: Adaptation of the labour market datawarehouse to the E-government of the social security

AG/GG/106: Statistical valorisation of the PRIMA database and integration within the Datawarehouse Labour Market

AG/HH/111: Optimalisation and valorisation of the database « Collectively agreed wages and working time » (COA-CCT)

AG/HH/113: Development of the « occupational accidents » datawarehouse (AcciTrav)


AG/HH/117: Microcensus 2006

TA/00/24: Open Source Software and Public Authorities (OSSPA) (coordinator of the project)

AG/JJ/143: Integration of the data from the public employment services (VDAB-BGDA-FOREM-ADG) in the Datawarehouse Labour Market and Social Protection (FAVOR)

AG/JJ/148: Database "Complaints" (EQUALITYCLAIM) (coordinator of the project)

AG/KK/157: Development and methodological deepening of the data warehouse labour market and social protection (DOCDWH)

AG/JJ/137: SUBLEC (SUrvey on the BLack EConomy) : Organisation of a micro-survey on fiscal and social fraud in Belgium

BR/13/MA/PONS: Project for the Operation and development of New Statistics in the DWH LM&SP (PONS)