Supporting actions (SPSD 2) (OA)

OA/01: Science and precaution in interactive technology risk management

OA/04: Towards an Integration of Education for Sustainable Development: Analysis, Design and Evaluation

OA/12: Sustainable agriculture: an integrated approach for communication between scientists and stakeholders

  • Project OA/12
  • Final report: Sustainable agriculture: an integrated approach for communication between scientists and stakeholders

OA/14: Cluster : Eutrophication

OA/15: Belgian cluster on lake research in the framework of global climate change (BELLA)

  • Project OA/15
  • Final report: Belgische cluster rond onderzoek naar lacustriene systemen in het kader van de global change problematiek (BELLA)

OA/17: An information and communication technologies ICT-based course in Earth observation with emphasis on imaging spectroscopy and including hands-on applications

OA/18: The design-parameters of governance structures at the local level for the implementation of ecological networks

  • Project OA/18
  • Eindrapport: Ontwerpparameters van bestuursstructuren op lokaal niveau voor de implementatie van ecologische netwerken

OA/20: Sustainable consumption: what role for consumers?

OA/21: Renewable energy tracking indicators Belgium

OA/22: Platform for scientific concertation: Food Safety

OA/23: Marine incidents management cluster (MIMAC)

OA/25: Solas Belgium

OA/27: Feasability of a participatory modeling process for pesticides risk assessment

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OA projects in Fedra (database of research projects)