Pillar 1: Challenges and knowledge of the living and non-living world

Pillar 1 is composed of a strategic thematic section (Pillar 1A) and a non-thematic section (Pillar 1B).

Pillar 1A: The Federal contribution to the challenges of global change

Pillar 1A contributes to the development of the necessary knowledge to support the decisions to be taken by the federal government in the short, medium and long term in order to cope with global change.

Pillar 1A intends to mobilise the rich expertise present in the FSIs in collaboration with all universities in the country to respond to the research priorities identified at the European and international level such as H2020, Belmont Forum, IPCC, IPBES, EMB, SCAR, the strategic agendas of the JPIs in which the Federal Science Policy participates ...

These research challenges are guided by the international commitments that Belgium has endorsed (CBD, SDG-2030, the climate convention and the Paris agreement, the Antarctic Treaty, OSPAR).

They cover, inter alia, the research in support of the Paris Agreement (in particular mitigation and adaptation to climate change and extreme events), the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services, the protection of the natural environment for health, natural risks, the sustainable exploitation of resources.

→ the implementation of pillar 1A takes place via thematic calls

Pillar 1B: The contribution of the FSIs to the knowledge of the system earth and of the universe

Pillar 1B contributes to the strengthening of knowledge about the living (eg evolution) and non-living world (eg components of the earth and universe system). This part of pillar 1 is built around specific and innovative expertise that is specific to the FSI's and is in line with their strategic research challenges.

→ the implementation of pillar 1B takes place via non-themathic calls.

Created to support the scientific potential of Federal Scientific Institutions (FSIs) in their specific areas of expertise and/or missions, these projects can only be submitted by FSIs.

Committees members


Thematic and non-thematic projects (bottom-up) of the call 2022-2023

AGROFLUX - Improving the agrosystem GHG budget through data-assimilation of surface fluxes

Thematic project
Keywords: Eddy-covariance flux measurements, Large-eddy simulation, Data assimilation , GHG budget of agrosystems, UAV flight optimization

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 956.196€
  • Coordinator: Chatelain Philippe (UCLouvain)      
  • Promotors: Heinesch Bernard (ULiège), Laffineur Quentin (IRM-KMI), Meyers Johan (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

CLOSE-UP - Campfires, Loops, and Oscillations in the Solar EUV atmosphere at Unprecedented Precision

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Sun: corona, Sun: UV radiation, Sun: flares , Instrumentation: high angular resolution, Sun: oscillations, Methods: statistical

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 489.199€
  • Coordinator: Verbeeck Francis (KSB-ORB)      
  • Promotors: Van Doorsselaere Tom (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen

Documentation II - COmbining Regional Downscaling EXpertise in Belgium II

Thematic project
Keywords: Climate change, climate impacts, convection permitting models , climate extremes, climate projections, climate services

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 950.919€
  • Coordinator: Termonia Piet (IRM-KMI)       
  • Promotors: Caluwaerts Steven (UGent), Fettweis Xavier (ULiège), Lefebre Filip (VITO), Van Lipzig Nicole (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


DAMOCO - Closing the DAta gap to develop Land Surface MOdels for COngo Basin forests

Thematic project
Keywords: Congo Basin, forest resilience, carbon balance , tipping point, biodiversity, ecosystem service

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 983.320€
  • Coordinator: Verbeeck Hans (UGent)       
  • Promotors: Boeckx Pascal (UGent), Fayolle Adeline (ULiège), Hubau Wannes (MRAC-KMMA), Angoboy Bhély (INERA - RD Congo), Makana Jean-Rémy (UNIKIS - RD Congo)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


DERISC - Deep learning based Extreme Rainfall and flood warnIngs through Seamless foreCasting

Thematic project
Keywords: Deep learning, extreme precipitation, floods , early warning system, model calibration, downscaling

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 741.404€
  • Coordinator: De Cruz Lesley (IRM-KMI)      
  • Promotors: Munteanu Adrian (VUB), Willems Patrick (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


E-TREND - Extensible Tools for Renewable ENergy Decision making

Thematic project
Keywords: Energy meteorology, Wind energy, PV energy , Climate services, Machine learning, Statistical postprocessing

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 1.027.486€
  • Coordinator: Termonia Piet (IRM-KMI)      
  • Promotors: Gordon Ivan (IMEC), Hellinckx Peter (UAntwerpen), Meyers Johan (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


FOURCAST - FOrest cold and URban heat island effects on Climate Adaptation of biodiversity at different Spatial and Temporal scales

Thematic project
Keywords: Climate change, Adaptation, Biodiversity , Urban Heat Island, Natural history collections

  • Duration of the project: 01/02/2023 - 01/05/2027
  • Budget: 999.431€
  • Coordinator: Vandelook Filip (APM)       
  • Promotors: Caluwaerts Steven (IRM-KMI), De Frenne Pieter (UGent), De Vos Bruno (INBO), Hendrickx Frederik (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


GEOTROP - GEOmorphic hazards and compound events in a changing TROPical East Africa

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Natural hazards, Climatology and climate change, Geomorphology , Land use/land cover change, Earth observation from space , Machine learning

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2025
  • Budget: 249.772€
  • Coordinator: Dewitte Olivier (MRAC-KMMA)       
  • Promotors: Thiery Wim (VUB), D'Oreye Nicolas (NMHH/ECGS - Lux), Malet Jean-Philippe (CNRS/EOST - France), Zscheischler Jakob (UFZ - Germany)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


INT-ORB - A self-consistent study of the internal evolution of icy satellites coupled to the evolution of orbital motion and of dissipation in the central planet

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Planetology, Natural satellites, Giant planets , Structure and evolution, Fluid mechanics, Celestial mechanics

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 393.791€
  • Coordinator: Van Hoolst Tim (KSB-ORB)   
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


LEAP - Learning from the past: The impact of abrupt climate changes on society and environment in Belgium

Thematic project
Keywords: Climate hazards, vegetation dynamics, vulnerable societies , resilience, climatic and environmental change

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2025
  • Budget: 998.036€
  • Coordinator: Deforce Koen (KBIN-IRSNB)       
  • Promotors: Boudin Mathieu (KIK-IRPA), Crombé Philippe (UGent), Snoeck Christophe (VUB), Verheyden Sophie (KBIN-IRSNB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


MODEVECO - Study of vector competence and other aspects of vector capacity of Belgian mosquitoes for zoonotic flaviviruses, with focus on West Nile virus and Japanese encephalitis virus

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Vector-borne diseases, west-nile virus, mosquitoes , japanese encephalitis virus, vector-competence

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 492.438€
  • Coordinator: De Regge Nick (Sciensano)      
  • Promotors: Cargnel Mickaël (Sciensano), Sohier Charlotte (Sciensano)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


MOMENTUM - MesOscale Modelling for ExoMars TGO/NOMAD To Understand gravity waves in the Martian atmosphere

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Mars atmosphere, Ice clouds, Mesoscale modelling , Microphysics, Gravity waves, Parameterisations

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2024
  • Budget: 233.620€
  • Coordinator: Neary Lori (IASB/BIRA)       
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


PLATINUM - PLAnetary plasma Turbulence and Intermittency – coupling with interplanetary transients from data analysis and NUmerical Modelling

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Turbulence, complexity, coronal mass ejections , planetary magnetospheres, solar wind, time series analysis

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 458.737€
  • Coordinator: Echim Marius (IASB-BIRA)       
  • Promotors: Lapenta Giovanni (KU Leuven), Rodriguez Luciano (ORB/KSB), Teodorescu Eliza (ISS - Romania)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


RECARBON - Restoring carbon sinks in floodplains through different land use practices

Thematic project
Keywords: Carbon sink, green deal, rewetting , floodplain, climate mitigation, land management

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 1.039.213€
  • Coordinator: Verstraeten Gert (KU Leuven)        
  • Promotors: Boudin Mathieu (IRPA-KIK), Lettens Suzanna (INBO), Meersmans Jeroen (ULiège)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


TAPIOWCA - long-Term Assessment, Proxies and Indicators of Ozone and Water vapour changes affecting Climate and Air quality

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Distribution, variability and trends of O3 & H2O, Attribution of atmospheric composition changes, International assessments of air quality & climate , Data harmonisation and valorisation

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2025
  • Budget: 285.672€
  • Coordinator: Hubert Daan (BIRA-IASB)      
  • Promotors: Coheur Pierre (ULB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


UNTANGLE - Understanding the role of transposons as novel forces in genomic landscapes

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Evolution, transposons, asexuality , adaptations, genomics

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 246.771€
  • Coordinator: Schön Isa (KBIN-IRSNB)       
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


VERBE - Towards a greenhouse gas emission monitoring and VERification system for Belgium

Thematic project
Keywords: ICOS, greenhouse gases, emissions , Belgium, monitoring and verification support, remote sensing

  • Duration of the project: 01/09/2022 - 01/12/2026
  • Budget: 724.813€
  • Coordinator: De Mazière Martine (BIRA-IASB)       
  • Promotors: Gielen Bert (UAntwerpen), Heinesch Bernard (ULiège), Marshall Julia (DLR - Germany), Ramonet Michel (CEA - France)
  • BELSPO programme manager: BELSPO: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

Thematic and non-thematic projects (bottom-up and PhD) of the call 2020-2021

BELSHAKE - Earthquake ground-motion database and modeling in Belgium

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Seismology, Earthquake ground motion, Intraplate, Crustal attenuation, Seismic hazard

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
  • Budget: 318.780€
  • Coordinator: Vanneste Kris (ORB-KSB)       
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


BG-PART - BioGeochemical PARTicle interactions and feedback loops on the Belgian Continental Shelf

Thematic project
Keywords: Suspended particulate matter, Flocculation, Phytoplankton , Transparent exopolymer particles, Organic suspended matter composition, Turbidity

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
  • Budget: 906.418€
  • Coordinator: Desmit Xavier (IRSNB-KBIN)       
  • Promotors: De Rijcke Maarten (VLIZ), Sabbe Koen (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


CRIM-BIODIV - Criminal behavior against biodiversity

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Biodiversity, Environment, Behavior , Inequalities, Deviance, Representations

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2023
  • Budget: 279.456€
  • Coordinator: Jonckheere Alexia (NICC-INCC)    
  • Promotors: Pütz Jean-François (IEW)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


CS-MASK - Crowd-Sourced data for atmospheric Modelling At Sub-Kilometric scale

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords:Hectometric resolution modelling, Urban climate, Numerical weather prediction, Crowd-sourced data

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
  • Budget: 321.280€
  • Coordinator: Termonia Piet (IRM-KMI)    
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


DELPHI - Deep learning prediction and hindsight of flare initiation

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Solar flares, Machine learning, Space weather , Deep learning, Forecast, CNN visualization

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
  • Budget: 499.969€
  • Coordinator: Dolla Laurent  (ORB-KSB)    
  • Promotors: Lapenta Giovanni (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


EQUATOR - Emission QUantification of Atmospheric tracers in the Tropics using ObseRvations from satellites

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Land-atmosphere interactions, Biogenic VOC emissions, Tropical atmosphere, Nitrogen oxides emissions, Multi-species satellite observations, Modelling

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
  • Budget: 271.832€
  • Coordinator: Stavrakou Trisevgeni  (IASB-BIRA)    
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


HabitAnt - Past and future habitability in Antarctic lakes: succession, colonization, extinction, and survival in glacial refugia

Thematic project
Keywords: Antarctica, Succession, Lakes , Colonization, Glacial refugia, Extinction

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
  • Budget: 871.394€
  • Coordinator: Verleyen Elie (UGent)    
  • Promotors: Schön Isabelle (IRSNB-KBIN), Wilmotte Annick (ULiège)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike


IPA - Impact of Planetary magnetisation on Atmospheric erosion

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Sun, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere , Atmospheric erosion, Terrestrial planets, Semi-empirical modelling

  • Duration of the project: 2 years
  • Budget: 256.357€
  • Coordinator: Maggiolo Romain (IASB-BIRA)
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Impact of Planetary magnetisation on Atmospheric erosion (IPA)
    • Summary: Impact of Planetary magnetisation on Atmospheric erosion (IPA)

KEAFish - The biodiversity, biogeography and evolutionary history of the northern basins of the Great African Lakes: the enigmatic fish faunas of Lakes Kivu, Edward and Albert revisited

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Africa, fishes, rift-valley lakes , biogeography, evolution, biodiversity

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
  • Budget: 487.668€
  • Coordinator: Snoeks Jos (MRAC-KMMA)    
  • Promotors: Decru Eva (KU Leuven), Svardal Hannes (UAntwerpen), Van Steenberge Maarten (IRSNB-KBIN), Kisekelwa Tchalondawa (ISP Bukavu), Okello William (NaFIRRI Uganda)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


NITROPOL-BE - Impacts of nitrogen deposition in the natural environment on pollen allergy and respiratory infection outcomes in Belgium

Thematic project
Keywords: Biodiversity loss, Environmental degradation, Soil nutrient imbalances, Natural risk, Human respiratory health, Global change

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
  • Budget: 1.406.185€
  • Coordinator: Aerts Raf (Sciensano)
  • Promotors: Bruffaerts Nicolas (Sciensano), Devleesschauwer Brecht (Sciensano), Honnay Olivier (KU Leuven), Linard Catherine (UNamur), Schrijvers Rik (KU Leuven), Speybroeck Niko (UCLouvain)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


OUTFLOW - Quantifying the cOntribUTion of Fouling fauna to the Local carbon budget of an Offshore Wind farm

Thematic project
Keywords: Offshore wind farm, Sediments, Fouling fauna, Benthos, Faecal pellets, Blue Carbon

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
  • Budget: 624.237€
  • Coordinator: Vanaverbeke Jan (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: Boeckx Pascal (UGent), Moens Tom (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


Paradi²s - PARAsitic DIversity, vectors, host and transfers in Early Cretaceous DInosauraSsociated vertebrates

Thematic project
Keywords: Palaeoparasites, fossil stools, host transfers , terrestrial vertebrates, amber, ectoparasites

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
  • Budget: 738.324€
  • Coordinator: Godefroit Pascal (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: Baele Jean-Marc (UMONS), Claerebout Edwin (UGent), Claeys Philippe (VUB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


PORTAL - PhOtotrophy on Rocky HAbiTAble Planet

Thematic project
Keywords: Habitability, Early Life, Phototrophy , Exoplanets, Astrobiology, Biosignatures

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
  • Budget: 951.058€
  • Coordinator: Javaux Emmanuelle (ULiège)
  • Promotors: Cardol Pierre (ULiège), Dehant Veronique (ORB-KSB), Gillon Michaël (ULiège), Lara Yannick (ULiège), Van Hoolst Tim (ORB-KSB), Martin Turbet (Obervatoire de Genève), Noack Lena (FUBerlin), Selsis Franck (LAB Bordeaux)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


REGE+ - Forest regeneration under climate and environmental changes

Thematic project
Keywords: Forest regeneration, Forest dynamics simulation, Process-based modelling, Forest resilience, Climate change, Forest and wildlife management

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
  • Budget: 711.035€
  • Coordinator: Jonard Mathieu (UCLouvain)
  • Promotors: Ligot Gauthier (ULiège), Van Schaeybroeck Bert (IRM-KMI)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


TANGO - Estimating Tipping points in habitability of ANtarctic benthic ecosystems under GlObal future climate change scenarios

Thematic project
Keywords: Antarctic Climate Change, tipping points, Benthos, species interactions, Traits, Carbon cycling

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
  • Budget: 936.636€
  • Coordinator: Vanreusel Ann (UGent)
  • Promotors: Danis Bruno (ULB), Delille Bruno (ULiège), Schön Isa (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike


VERTIGO - Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long IGnored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Soft-bodied chordates, Belgium, Devonian, euphaneropids, Vertebrates

  • Duration of the project: 4 years
  • Budget: 154.551€
  • Coordinator: Mottequin Bernard (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: Gueriau Pierre (UNIL Lausanne), MNHN Paris Janvier Philippe
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
    • Samenvatting: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
    • Résumé: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
    • Summary: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
    • Annexes
      • Annex 1: The erroneous chondrichthyan egg case assignments from the Devonian: implications for the knowledge on the evolution of the reproductive strategy within chondrichthyans
      • Annex 2: Revisiting the chondrichthyan egg capsules inventory from the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) of Belgium: new data and perspectives
      • Annex 3: The first lower jaw of a ctenacanthid shark from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of Belgium

Thematic and non-thematic projects (bottom-up and PhD) of the call 2019

CLIMB - How do aerosol-CLoud Interactions influence the surface Mass Balance in East Antarctica?

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Atmospheric Aerosol, aerosol-clouds-precipitation interaction, ice nucleating particles, Regional climate modelling, Belgian Antarctic station, East Antarctic Climate

  • Duration of the project: 2 years
  • Budget: 376.450€
  • Coordinator: Mangold Alexander (IRM-KMI)       
  • Promotors: van Lipzig Nicole (KU Leuven), Van Roozendael Michel (IASB-BIRA), Walgraeve Christophe (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: How do aerosol-CLoud Interactions influence the surface Mass Balance in East Antarctica? (CLIMB)
    • Samenvatting: Hoe beïnvloeden aerosol-wolken-interacties de massabalans van de oppervlakte in Oost Antarctica ? (CLIMB)
    • Résumé: Comment les interactions nuages-aérosols influencent-elles le bilan de masse en surface dans la partie orientale de l’Antarctique ? (CLIMB)
    • Summary: How do aerosol-CLoud Interactions influence the surface Mass Balance in East Antarctica? (CLIMB)

COFFEEBRIDGE - Bridging knowledge to the field: an evaluation of the agronomic and socio-economic potential of Robusta coffee genetic resources as a cash crop in the Congo Basin

Thematic project
Keywords: Congo Basin, Socio-economic survey, Agriculture, Soil science, Valorization of Robusta coffee genetic resources, Cash crop

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 958.725€
  • Coordinator: Stoffelen Piet (APM)       
  • Promotors: Amara Michaël (AGR-ARA), Merckx Roeland (KU Leuven), Segers Yves (KU Leuven), Stévigny Caroline (ULB), Trefon Théodore (MRAC-KMMA), Verbist Bruno (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


COPE - Conservation management of polar ecosystems : using genomic approaches to study connectivity across spatial and functional scales

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Antarctica, Adaptation, Climate change, Genomics

  • Duration of the project: 16/12/2019-16/03/2024
  • Budget: 511.734€
  • Coordinator: Schon Isa (IRSNB-KBIN)       
  • Promotors: Volckaert Filip (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike


DESIGNATE - Decision Support under Uncertainty for Geothermal Applications

Thematic project
Keywords: Geothermal energy, Reservoir modelling, Techno-economic simulation, Environmental analysis

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019-15/03/2024
  • Budget: 1.000.217€
  • Coordinator: Welkenhuysen Kris (IRSNB-KBIN)       
  • Promotors: Kaufmann Olivier (UMONS), Laenen Ben (VITO), Compernolle Tine (UA)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


DESIRED - Tracing differentiation processes through siderophile elements, from meteorites to giant ore deposits

Thematic project
Keywords: Siderophile element, Meteorite, Raw material, Impact, Earth differentiation

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 643.755€
  • Coordinator: Decrée Sophie (IRSNB-KBIN)       
  • Promotors: Debaille Vinciane (ULB), Goderis Steven (VUB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


GEOCAMB - Geothermal Energy Potential in Cambrian rocks focusing on public buildings

Thematic project
Keywords: Geothermal Potential in Cambrian rocks, Monitoring and long term performance, Public buildings, Geophysical investigation, Geological and hydrogeological exploration, Environmental Impacts

  • Duration of the project: 4 years
  • Budget: 1.093.236€
  • Coordinator: Petitclerc Estelle (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: Gerard Pierre (ULB), Van Lysebetten Gust (CSTC), Van Noten Koen (ORB-KSB), Walraevens Kristine (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


ISeBAF - Insect Service and Biodiversity in Agroecological Farming

Thematic project
Keywords: Agroecology, pollinators, insect pests , cucurbits, insect service, biodiversity

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 947.630€
  • Coordinator: Virgilio Massimiliano (MRAC-KMMA)
  • Promotors: Boevé Jean-Luc (IRSNB-KBIN), Vereecken Nicolas J. (ULB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


LASUGEO - Monitoring LAnd SUbsidence caused by Groundwater exploitation through gEOdetic measurements

Thematic project
Keywords: Land subsidence, Groundwater exploitation, SAR interferometry, Gravity, Hydrogeology, GPS stations

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 1.050.448€
  • Coordinator: Devleeschouwer Xavier (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: Dassargues Alain (ULiège), Van Camp Michel (ORB-KSB), Walraevens Kristine (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


LEGO-BEL-AQ - Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of BELgian Air Quality

Thematic project
Keywords: Air quality policy, Nitrogen dioxide, Satellite remote sensing , Fossil fuel, LEO+GEO constellation

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 375.951€
  • Coordinator: Verhoelst Tijl (IASB-BIRA)
  • Promotors: Fierens Frans (CELINE-IRCEL)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)
    • Samenvatting: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)
    • Résumé: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)
    • Summary: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)

LIBS-SCReeN - Screening Critical Raw materials from exploration to (post)beneficiation using New LIBS techniques

Thematic project
Keywords: Critical Raw Materials, Chemometrics, Historic Mines, Deep learning, LIBS

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 1.024.594€
  • Coordinator: Burlet Christian (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: Baele Jean-Marc (UMONS), Croitor Sava Anca (KU Leuven), Giaro Philippe (ULiège)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Screening Critical Raw materials from exploration to (post)beneficiation using LIBS techniques (LIBS-SCReeN)
    • Samenvatting: Screening van kritieke grondstoffen met behulp van nieuwe LIBS-technieken – van exploratie tot (post)waardering (LIBS-SCReeN)
    • Résumé: Dépistage des matières premières critiques, de l'exploration à la (post-) valorisation, en utilisant les techniques LIBS (LIBS-SCReeN)
    • Summary: Screening Critical Raw materials from exploration to (post)beneficiation using LIBS techniques (LIBS-SCReeN)

MICROBE - Mars and the IsotopiC Ratio Of water: Budget and Evolution

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Mars Atmosphere, Surface-atmosphere interaction, Isotopic fractionation, Atmospheric escape, Photochemistry, Modeling

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 – 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 390.201€
  • Coordinator: Erwin Justin (IASB-BIRA)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


MicroResist - The influence of snail host microbiome in trematode parasite resistance

Non-thematic project (PhD)
Keywords: Schistosomiasis, Microbiome, Parasite resistance, Museum collections, Transplant experiments

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 – 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 319.940€
  • Coordinator: Huyse Tine (MRAC-KMMA)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


PREDICT - Phase transitions of a salt mixture under changing climatic conditions

Non-thematic project (PhD)
Keywords: Salt Mixture, Phase Transitions, Crystallization, Climate, Conservation

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 362.102€
  • Coordinator: De Clercq Hilde (IRPA-KIK)       
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


SeVoCo - Semi-volatiles in a comet

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Atmosphere, Comets, Composition

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019-15/03/2024
  • Budget: 241.777€
  • Coordinator: Dhooghe Frederik (IASB-BIRA)
  • Promotors: Cessateur Gaël (IASB-BIRA), De Keyser Johan (IASB-BIRA), Jehin Emmanuel (ULiège)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


STEM - The structure and evolution of Mercury's core

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Planetology, Mercury, Planet interior, Planetary geodesy

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2022
  • Budget: 196.200€
  • Coordinator: Van Hoolst Tim (ORB-KSB)
  • Promotors: -
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)
    • Samenvatting: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)
    • Résumé: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)
    • Summary: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)

SWiM - Solar wind modeling with EUHFORIA for new heliophysics space missions

Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Solar corona, Solar wind, Coronal mass ejections, Space weather, MHD simulations

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 503.028€
  • Coordinator: Magdalenic Jasmina (ORB-KSB)    
  • Promotors: Poedts Stefaan (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne


Projects funded in the frame of the call BiodivERsA-BiodivHealth

BIODIV-AFREID - Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry?

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 200.000€
  • Coordinator: Verheyen Erik (IRSNB-KBIN)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager:


BIODIV-AFREID-Topup - Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry?

  • Duration of the project: 3 year
  • Budget: 33.664€
  • Coordinator: Verheyen Erik (IRSNB-KBIN)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager:


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry? Top-up (BIODIV-AFREID-Top-up)
    • Samenvatting: Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry? Top up (BIODIV-AFREID-Top-up)
    • Résumé: Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry? Top up (BIODIV-AFREID-Top-up)
    • Summary: Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry? Top up (BIODIV-AFREID-Top-up)

Project funded in the frame of the call Biodiversa+ - BiodivRestore

InterRest - Interactive effects of local and landscape scale restoration of semi-natural grasslands and agricultural fields on species interactions and ecosystem functions in different social-ecological systems

  • Duration of the project: 01/05/2022 - 30/06/2025
  • Budget: 146.321€
  • Coordinator: Jacquemyn Hans (KU Leuven)      
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: Aline van der Werf


Project funded in the frame of the call Biodiversa+ - BiodivProtect

DarCo - The vertical dimension of conservation: A cost-effective plan to incorporate subterranean ecosystems in post-2020 biodiversity and climate change agendas

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2022 – 15/01/2026
  • Budget: 150.045€
  • Coordinator: Flot Jean-François (ULB)     
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: Aline van der Werf


Projects funded in the frame of JPI Oceans

HOTMIC - Horizontal and vertical oceanic distribution, transport, and impact of microplastics

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 229.000€
  • Coordinator: Vanreusel Ann (UGent)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


Projects funded in the frame of JPI Oceans Next Generation Climate Science in Europe for Oceans

ANDROMEDA - Analysis techniques for quantifying nano-and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment

  • Duration of the project: 1/04/2020 - 31/03/2023
  • Budget: 249.000€
  • Coordinator: -       
  • Promotors: De Witte Bavo (ILVO), Everaert Gert (VLIZ)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Analysis techniques for quantifying nano- and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment (ANDROMEDA)
    • Samenvatting: Analysis techniques for quantifying nano- and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment (ANDROMEDA)
    • Résumé: Analysis techniques for quantifying nano- and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment (ANDROMEDA)
    • Summary: Analysis techniques for quantifying nano- and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment (ANDROMEDA)

CE2COAST - Downscaling Climate and Ocean Change to Services: Thresholds and Opportunities

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 250.000€
  • Coordinator: -       
  • Promotor: Gregoire Marilaure (ULiège)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


MEDLEY - MixED Layer hEterogeneitY

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 181.550€
  • Coordinator: -       
  • Promotor: Fichefet Thierry (UCLouvain)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


RESPONSE - Toward a risk-based assessment of microplastic pollution in marine ecosystems

  • Duration of the project: 1/04/2020 – 31/03/2023
  • Budget: 250.000€
  • Coordinator: -       
  • Promotor: Blust Ronny (UAntwerpen)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Towards a risk-based assessment of microplastic pollution in marine ecosystems (RESPONSE)
    • Samenvatting: Towards a risk-based assessment of microplastic pollution in marine ecosystems (RESPONSE)
    • Résumé: Towards a risk-based assessment of microplastic pollution in marine ecosystems (RESPONSE)
    • Summary: Towards a risk-based assessment of microplastic pollution in marine ecosystems (RESPONSE)

ROADMAP - The Role of ocean dynamics and Ocean Atmosphere interactions in Driving cliMAte variations and future Projections of impact relevant extreme events

  • Duration of the project: 1/04/2020 - 31/12/2022
  • Budget: 242.250€
  • Coordinator: -       
  • Promotor: Vannitsem Stéphane (IRM-KMI)
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


  • Project description
  • Project website - Project website JPI Climate
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final report : The Role of ocean dynamics and Ocean-Atmosphere interactions in Driving cliMAte variations and future Projections of impact-relevant extreme events (ROADMAP)
    • Samenvatting: De rol van de dynamica van oceanen en interacties tussen oceaan en atmosfeer in het aansturen van klimaatvariaties en toekomstige projecties van impactrelevante extreme gebeurtenissen (ROADMAP)
    • Résumé: Le rôle de la dynamique océanique et des interactions océan-atmosphère dans les variations climatiques et les projections des événements extrêmes (ROADMAP)
    • Summary: The Role of ocean dynamics and Ocean-Atmosphere interactions in Driving cliMAte variations and future Projections of impact-relevant extreme events (ROADMAP)

Projects funded in the frame of JPI Climate AXIS

LAMACLIMA - Land management for climate mitigation and adaptation

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 199.993€
  • Coordinator: Thiery Wim (VUB)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


MAPPY - Multisectoral analysis of climate and land use change impacts on pollinators, plant diversity and crop yields

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 84.943€
  • Coordinator: Dendoncker Nicolas (UNamur)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Multisectoral Analysis of climate and land use change impacts on pollinators, plant diversity and crops yields (MAPPY-BE)

Project funded in the frame of the call Biodiversa+ - BiodivClim

EPICC - Environmental Policy Instruments across Commodity Chains (EPICC): Comparing multi-level governance for Biodiversity Protection and Climate Action in Brazil, Colombia, and Indonesia

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 199.393€
  • Coordinator: Ferrando Tomaso (UAntwerpen)
  • Promotor:
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


EPICC-Topup - Environmental Policy Instruments across Commodity Chains (EPICC): Comparing multi-level governance for Biodiversity Protection and Climate Action in Brazil, Colombia, and Indonesia

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 149.580€
  • Coordinator: Ferrando Tomaso (UAntwerpen)
  • Promotor:
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


MixForChanges - Mixed Forest plantations for climate change mitigation and adaptation

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2024
  • Budget: 250.000€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotors: Baeten Lander (UGent), Declerck Stephan (UCLouvain)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


PRINCESS - Peatland Rewetting In Nitrogen-Contaminated Environments: Synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity, climate, water quality and Society

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2020-14/03/2024
  • Budget: 249.238 €
  • Coordinator:      
  • Promotors: Verbruggen Erik (UAntwerpen)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


Projects funded in the frame of JPI Oceans - Healthy Oceans and Seas - Aquatic Pollutants call

PARRTAE - Probing Antibiotic Residues and Resistance Transfer in Aquatic Environments

  • Duration of the project: 1/09/2021 – 1/12/2024
  • Budget: 250 000€
  • Coordinator: Heyndrickx Marc (ILVO)       
  • Promotors:
  • BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen


Projects funded in the frame of the call Biodiversa+ - BiodivMon

BIG_PICTURE - Developing data management and analytical tools to integrate and advance professional and citizen science camera-trapping initiatives across Europe

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 199 424€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotor: Reyserhove Lien (INBO)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


CoForFunc - Toward a biome-scale monitoring of the Congo basin FORest FUNCtional composition

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 211 055 €
  • Coordinator:
  • Promotor: Bastin Jean-François (ULiège)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

DNASense - From gene to landscapes: development of environmental impact assessment tools for marine biodiversity monitoring using eDNA and remote sensing techniques

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 211 740€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotors: Derycke Sofie (ILVO), Moens Tom (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


GINAMO - Genetic Indicators for NAture Monitoring

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 211 344€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotors: Mergeay Joachim (INBO), Galbusera Peter (KMDA)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


HiRAD - Harmonizing and integrating Radar-based approaches for monitoring Aerial bioDiversity

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 211 447€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotor: Desmet Peter (INBO)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

MonitAnt - Developing a European-level Monitoring strategy for mound- building Formica Ants and symbiont communities residing in nest mounds

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 211 268€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotor: Dekoninck Wouter (IRSNB/KBIN)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


NorTrack - The Northeast Atlantic Marine Tracking Network

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 211 420€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotor: Reubens Jan (VLIZ)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

Sub-BioMon - Developing and testing approaches to monitor subterranean biodiversity in karst

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 212 500€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotor: Flot Jean-Francois (ULB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

TRANSPONDER - TRANSnational biodiversity and ecosystem assessment approaches for PONDscapes in EuRope

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 210 854€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotor: De Meester Luc (KU Leuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


WOBEC - Weddell Sea Observatory of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Change

  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Budget: 211 811€
  • Coordinator:        
  • Promotor: Van De Putte Anton (IRSNB/KBIN)
  • BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra