Research project AG/DD/005 (Research action AG)
The project is divided into two parts:
- organisation and coaching of local networking;
- know-how development for information in support to local policy.
Concerning the organisational level , one should take into account that the GPSS has already made specific efforts in the past.
During the two first years, the project will concentrate on the elaboration of concrete recommendations about partners collaboration in three pilot zones: Gent (400.000 inhabitants), Aalst (80.000 inhabitants) and Lokeren (35.000 inhabitants). This shall involve the local partners of the interpolice zones. The specific modes of collaboration, de complementarities and possible synergies and the geographical level at which this collaboration can best be efficient are the priorities of this phase of the project.
From the third year onwards, the project will be extended to other municipalities/towns (French speaking also).
Concerning the relevant know-how, the two first years will be devoted to the development of models for a contribution to decision making, in collaboration with the local partners and in collaboration with the General Police Support Service, aiming at a sustainable and rational support to local policy:
- The further contextualization of information from the Integrated Interpolice Crime Statistics and local Security Monitors, in collaboration with the local partners;
- The production of additional local information for decision making;
- The treatment of all available data in order to build optimal synthesis indexes, taking into account the integration of relevant social indicators;
- The translation of available information into documents for local authorities decision making.
This will lead to the creation of a user guide or a scenario for the exploitation and analysis of local databases. Here, knowledge transfer to the local partners plays a crucial role.
- Production of relevant outputs from the police databases;
- Data contextualization with external data (e.g. Neighbourhood and Criminality, NIS, etc.);
- Formulation of recommendations for decision making;
- Publication of user guides (procedures, transferability).
De veiligheidsmonitor als contextualiseringsinstrument : een kennismaking met de vragenlijst : eindrapport
Lauwers, Steven - Enhus, E. Brussel : DWTC, 2002 (SP1112)
[To download]
Contextualisering van criminografisch materiaal voor lokale doeleinden : samenvatting
Brussel : DWTC, 2002 (SP1113)
[To download]