Research project AG/EE/054 (Research action AG)
Description of the project
The project encompasses two types of data about road traffic.
1. Data concerning traffic accidents with dead and/or injured persons.
These data are currently still being collected on paper support and afterwards encoded by the Federal Police (with respect to the Federal Police) and by the National Institute for Statistics (with respect to the Local Police).
The information requested in these forms was formatted several years ago, and various users believe that they are no longer adapted to current needs.
2. Data concerning police activities in the area of road traffic, including violation data.
There are several sources for collecting the data (situation in 2000) :
- Gendarmerie: statistics of the official reports (making use of the 24 categories in the accident forms) and the on-the-spot fine collections; data from the radar speed checks, on driving under the influence of alcohol, on the speed determined by unmanned cameras, on the authorised weight inspection, on the transport of dangerous materials, on the activities of the personnel.
- Municipal police: the " road traffic offences " data are recorded on the local level in the PIP system (Police Information Project), but are not centralised and so are also not used at either the federal or any intermediate level. Moreover, this application does not appear to be very user-friendly and it requires complete revision.
- Police courts: there exists an application, apparently used in a number of ways, within the framework of the Mammoth project.
Thus there are several data sources which are neither co-ordinated nor centralised.
Consequently, there is no systematic utilisation of the data by the various potential users. A great deal of work is done, yet a large share of it is simply lost.
The current project includes two phases :
Phase 1: draw up an inventory of the needs for data, the utilisation thereof by the various potential users, and an inventory of the existing instruments, inter alia on the local level.
Phase 2: analyse the possibilities for integrating the needs into the ongoing development.
Work which must be performed by the scientific team
Phase 1: inventory of the needs for data and the processing thereof by the various users, namely: strategic analysts from the local and the federal police; Ministry of Justice, Interior Affairs, Mobility and Transport, Public Works, Public Health, National Institute for Statistics, Belgian Institute for Traffic Safety, 100 service, fire department, etc. - this list is not exhaustive.
Inventory of the data sources, the processing of the information and the existing data flows.
Phase 2: study of the possibility for integrating these needs into the applications which are currently being developed: the FEEDIS project (federal police) and the ISLP project (former PIP project, now Integrated System for the Local Police).
Finished product which must be delivered by the scientific team
Taking the existing situation and the needs which will be postulated into account, establishment of the structured nomenclature concerning the different variables to be received.
Proposals for integrating these tools into the police computer systems, on the local - intermediate - and federal levels, and for accessing these data by the various users.
Utilisation of the result
In an area which has been neglected for too long :
- Generation of more reliable statistics which are better adapted to the needs concerning accidents with injured persons and/or fatalities, for the National Institute for Statistics and the other involved users (e.g. BRSI).
- Preparation of the statistics (quarterly-annual) on offences in the road traffic area, preparation of the comparative reports (comparison of one year with another) accessible for the public, making available and distribution of the data (e.g. CD-ROM).
- Possibility of preparing a strategic analysis on the basis of the reliable data, on the local as well as on the supra-local and central levels. In this connection, we note that unsafe road traffic conditions is one of the highest priorities of the national plan and of the local safety plans.
Federal Police
General operational support directorate, National database directorate
Exploitatie van gegevens inzake verkeersveiligheid : eindrapport
Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1275)
[To download]
Exploitation des données en matière de sécurité routière : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2003 (SP1277)
[To download]
Exploitatie van gegevens inzake verkeersveiligheid : samenvatting
Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1278)
[To download]