Research project AG/GG/104 (Research action AG)
The Security monitor is a two-yearly population poll, for which the responsibility for its realization, processing and circulation lies with DGS/DSB.
The opinion poll reaches a population of +/- 30,000 persons (federal sample: 6,000; local samples: 24,000).
The monitor questions about the following themes:
- insecurity (neighbourhood problems, feeling of insecurity, victimization as a result of different sorts of offences);
- opinion on the functioning of the police services (number of contacts, registration degree of complaints, offered protection, presence, accessibility of the services, …);
- preventive protective measures that are taken by citizens.
The collected data are, complementary to other data, of great value both at local, supralocal and federal level. The obtained data are crucial in drawing up security diagnoses at municipal level and play a part in the orientation and evaluation of the prevention policy, which is carried out by, among other things, the security and prevention contracts and the drug plans. The data are also a great help for laying down the lines of force of the Zonal Security Plans (police zones), just as for drawing up and evaluating the National Security Plan at federal level.
The results of the federal «Security monitor» population poll with comparisons in time (also figures per region, type of municipality, police zone category) are accessible to the public through CD-ROM or through the federal police’s website.
The need has been expressed to optimize the purchase and the exploitation possibilities of the security monitor, especially at local level, without jeopardizing the geographical comparibility or the analysis of the trends throughout the years.
It is of course of great importance to have correct information about the best methods for conducting polls. The investigation will make it possible to determine a specific methodology per case on the basis of the type of questionnaire, the target group and the objectives, the sample size and the available means (budget, staff).
Optimalisatie van het gebruik van de veiligheidsmonitor, ontwikkeling van een Mini-monitor, een complementaire module en methoden voor afname van enquêtes : eindrapport
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2006 (SP1686)
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Optimalisatie van het gebruik van de veiligheidsmonitor, ontwikkeling van een Mini-monitor, een complementaire module en methoden voor afname van enquêtes : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2006 (SP1687)
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Optimalisation de l’utilisation du Moniteur de sécurité, développement d’un Mini-moniteur, d’un module complémentaire et de méthodes d’exécution des enquêtes : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1688)
[To download]
Optimizing the use of the security monitoring scheme, developing a mini-monitoring scheme, a complementary module and methods for implementing the schemes : summary
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2006 (SP1689)
[To download]