SUBLEC (SUrvey on the BLack EConomy) : Organisation of a micro-survey on fiscal and social fraud in Belgium

Research project AG/JJ/137 (Research action AG)

Persons :

  • M.  PACOLET Joseph - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2008-31/12/2009
  • Prof. dr.  DESMAREZ Pierre - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2008-31/12/2009
  • M.  PESTIEAU Pierre - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2008-31/12/2009

Description :

Combatting fiscal and social fraud has become a priority in Belgium. The FPS Social Security, which is closely collaborating to this project and funding the micro-survey, is in need of a broad description of the phenomenon as well as a clearer understanding of its extent and functioning. A multidisciplinary approach is therefore pushed forward.

This survey is necessary to get information that cannot be found in administrative registers, such as the extent of the fraud, impact of antifraud policies etc. The microsurvey will not only deliver usefull information for the FPS Social Security, but also to other stakeholders amongst which scientists who will be given access to the anonymized database.

Documentation :

More information on research on fraud ?
- Research projects from BELSPO:

Other report: Report on the EUROBAROMETRE survey «Le travail non déclaré au sein de l’Union européenne» (2007), DG Employment, social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the EC

Other reports published in the framework of this project:

  • Fegatilli E. (2009), ‘Undeclared work in the European Union – What can we learn from an European survey?’, Working Paper 2009-02, CREPP-Ulg, Liège, 20 p.

  • Pacolet J. & De Wispelaere F. (2012), ‘The underground economy: designing an appropriate survey methodology to reveal sensitive behaviour (social and fiscal fraud)’, Working Paper 2012, HIVA-K.U.Leuven.

  • Pacolet J. , Merckx S. & De Wispelaere F., (2012), SUBLEC: designing a survey methodology for fiscal en social fraud in Belgium: recent international comparative evidence and conclusions for Belgium, Working Paper 2012, HIVA-K.U.Leuven, Leuven.

  • Lefebvre M., Pestieau P., Riedl A. & Villeval M.C. (2011), ‘Tax Evasion, Welfare Fraud, and “The Broken Windows” effect: An Experiment in Belgium, France and the Netherlands’, IZA Discussion Paper No. 5609, 49 p.

Informatie- en analysecentrum of observatorium ondergrondse economie (OBSOE): haalbaarheidsstudie : eindrapport    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2011 (SP2453)
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Fraude sociale et fiscale en Belgique: Une étude-pilote relative au travail et aux revenus déclarés et non declares: SUBLEC : résumé    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2011 (SP2454)
[To download

Sociale en fiscale fraude in België Een pilootstudie omtrent aangegeven en niet-aangegeven inkomen en arbeid: SUBLEC : samenvatting    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2011 (SP2455)
[To download

Social and fiscal fraud in Belgium: A pilot study on declared and undeclared income and work: SUBLEC : summary    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2011 (SP2456)
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