Research project CG/DD1/07 (Research action CG)
The composition of the atmosphere is presently changing in a way that it influences the global and regional climate. The anthropogenic perturbations of the N-cycle and the accompanying increased N2O, NO and NH3 emissions, and reduced CH4 uptake, will, in the long run, compromise a sustainable development.
The sinks and sources of nitrogenous gases are roughly known, however, poorly quantified. Flux measurements in the field in combination with the measurement of controlling variables and GIS data will permit the inventarisation of trace gas (N2O, NO, CH4) fluxes over larger areas.
Flux measurements will be performed under different climatological circumstances, and in ecosystems with different land use. The inventory will provide more accurate information on the actual trace gas emissions from natural sources in Belgium, taking into account their spatial and seasonal variation.
Soil from a selected number of the monitored ecosystem-soil combinations will be used in process studies under laboratory conditions. The process studies will focus on the impact of increased carbon input on trace gas generating processes. More insight in these processes will permit to predict future changes in trace gas emissions due to increased carbon inputs (organic amendments such as compost, crop residues,...) and will permit to formulate recommendations towards agriculture and land use.
Cyberspace: brochure réalisée à l'occasion de l'exposition "Vivre ou survivre"
SSTC ... et al. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0702)
[To download]
Cyberspace: brochure samengesteld ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling "Leven of overleven"
DWTC ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0703)
[To download]
Parameterisation and inventarisation of gaseous nitrogen compounds from agricultural sources: final report
Goossens, Annick - De Wever, Heleen - De Visscher, Alex ... at al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0924)