Research project CP/18 (Research action CP)
The rural area in Flanders (as other densily populated areas in Europe) have a peri-urban character. The agricultural sector in these regions is increasingly confronted with pressure coming from the population, environmental measures and a more severe spatial planning framework. But also in these peri-urban areas, agriculture still has an important role in the preservation of the landscape, the socio-economic viability of the rural regions, the ecological functioning of these areas and so on. To fulfil these functions the agricultural sector must be economic viable and be able to develop. The question therefore is which individual and sector strategies can be developed in these peri-urban zones to keep an economic viable agricultural sector able to play his multifunctional role.
Project description
In the project a number of aspects are investigated with regard to the functions agriculture is providing in the peri-urban zone. More precisely following subjects are studied: what kind of functions are expected from agriculture in peri-urban areas, how this agriculture actually fulfil these functions, what can be done to improve function development and how can policies support multifunctional forms of agriculture in the peri-urban zones (see also scheme).
Function expectations
After an analysis of the historical role and evolution of the agrarian sector in Belgium with emphasis on the differences between peri-urban and rural areas, the first objective of the research will focus on the influence of the urban environment on agriculture and on the functions expected by society from agriculture. Through interviews with all relevant actors in peri-urban areas these expectations and their evolution will be described and the importance of the demand evaluated.
Function fulfilment
Next, the jointness between the production of agricultural commodities and the expected non-commodities will be analysed. Through different research methods it will be investigated how agricultural is responding to the expectations from society and how individual farms try to adapt to the expectations of the non rural population in peri-urban zones. It is also studied in how far this leads to new income sources and with what kind of constraints farmers in peri-urban zones are confronted with when developing new forms of agriculture.
Function development
The new income sources are analysed and their strengths and weaknesses studied. Their relation with the peri-urban situation is analysed as well as their future potential. This potential is linked to different socio-economic and spatial factors such as purchase power in the nearby urban zone, the accessibility of the area, the historical evolution, the recreational value of the zone and so on.
Function support
The final objective of the project is to analyse policies to support the development of agriculture in peri-urban zones. Efficiency and effectiveness of policies promoting the multifunctional role of agriculture will be evaluated. The shift from a production oriented income support toward a more area specific rural development policy will be critically analysed. Further implementation of environmental policies may reduce the viability of farming in peri-urban areas (license policy e.g.) while spatial restrictions have a negative influence on land prices. But on the other hand the proximity of the city may also be a source of innovative power which can result in new forms of agriculture nearby the city if correct incentives are given.
Methodology and role of the partners
The research methodology is mainly based on case studies. On the basis of a number of regional parameters, a number of case study areas will be selected within the Belgian urban diamond (between Antwerp, Gent, Brussels and Nivelles). In the study areas the developed theoretical relations will be empirically analysed through data collected by interviews with citizens, consumers, lobbyist, farmers and policy makers. Hereby the department of agricultural economics of the Ghent university will mainly focus on the economic potential of development strategies, while the Institute for Social and Economic Geography of Leuven will mainly study the social and spatial context in which these strategies are developed.
Expected results
The expected results are situated at three levels:
- an increased knowledge of the role and specific problems of agriculture in peri-urban areas;
- analysis of possible individual and sector development and survival strategies for peri-urban agriculture;
- recommendations for specific policies toward peri-urban areas: activities to be developed, policy instruments, relevant scale and indicators for analysis and monitoring, necessary knowledge and institutions, and so on.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University
This research group is focusing on how agriculture is adapting to changed external conditions. Hereby attention is paid to the development of strategies to respond to environmental requirements as well as potential of broadening or deepening agricultural activities (diversification, quality products, organic farming, ...). Not only the economic impact of such strategies is studied, but also the consequences at social and structural level are analysed.
Institute for Social and Economic Geography, Catholic University Leuven
The Institute for Social and Economic Geography belongs to the Faculty of Science. The research involves the spatial dimensions of social and economic processes. They are analysed from a historical, current and future perspective.In the course of the last years, the Institute has gained a lot of experience in processing statistical data and in methodologies regarding surveys and in-depth-interviews. The composition of different databases, their analysis and conversion into maps are central to the expertise of the Institute. The research of the institute focuses on settlement structures, on interrelationships between Urban and Rural and on agriculture and underlying social processes (especially concerning poverty, social exclusion and survival strategies).
Department of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University
Promotor: Prof. Guido Van Huylenbroeck
Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent
Tel: +32 (0)9 264 59 26; Fax: +32 (0)9 264 62 46
Researcher: Tom Vernimmen
Institute for Social and Economic Geography, Catholic University Leuven
Promotoren: Prof. Etienne Van Hecke en Prof. Henk Meert
W. de Croylaan 42, B-3001 Heverlee
Tel: +32 (0)16 32 24 41; Fax: +32 (0)16 32 29 80
E-mail: of
Researchers: Ankatrien Boulanger and Sarah Luyten
Users Committee
- Johan Alleman - Koning Boudewijnstichting - Bruxelles
- Luc Allemeersch - Regionaal Landschap Zenne, Zuun & Zoniën vzw - Halle
- Tom Lagast - Provincie Vlaams-Brabant - Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening & Mobiliteit - Kessel-Lo
- Ludwig Lauwers - Centrum voor Landbouweconomie - Socio-Economisch Onderzoek -Brussel
- Karel Lhermitte - Boerenbond - Leuven
- Roger Liekens - Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - AROHM - Afdeling Ruimtelijke Planning - Brussel
- Joris Relaes - Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Afdeling Land- en Tuinbouwvorming (ALT) - Brussel
- Luc Reyns - Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Administratie Land- en Tuinbouw (ALT) - Brussel
- Dirk van Gijseghem - Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Vlaamse Onderzoekseenheid Land- en Tuinbouweconomie (VOLT) - Brussel
- Georges Van Keerberghen - Boerenbond - Leuven
- Paul Vandersluys - Vlaamse Landmaatschappij - Brussel
Overlevingsstrategieën voor een multifunctionele landbouw in een verstedelijkte omgeving : eindrapport
Van Huylenbroeck, G. - Van Hecke, E. - Meert, H. ... et al Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2005 (SP1567)
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Overlevingsstrategieën voor een multifunctionele landbouw in een verstedelijkte omgeving : bijlage
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2006 (SP1614)
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Stratégies de survie pour une agriculture multifonctionelle en milieu urbain : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2007 (SP1698)
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Overlevingsstrategieën voor een multifunctionele landbouw in een verstedelijkte omgeving : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2007 (SP1699)
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Development strategies for a multifunctional agriculture in peri-urban areas : summary
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2007 (SP1700)
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