Research project CP/48 (Research action CP)
In the past ten years, we have seen the emergence of a citizen consumption, which is clearly dissociated from the consumer tendency that was developed in the seventies. One approach in particular has resulted from this commitment: the development of fair trade. The latter is today confronted with new challenges linked to the development of its market: the development of its relations with supermarkets and department stores, the enlargement of product range and the combining with other labels such as organic, the durability of its ethical commitment. Finally, more and more women organisations from the South participate in economic life through fair trade (notably through arts and crafts). These people are exploring new ways of thinking and new forms of solidarity for the exchange North/South.
Project description
The research hypothesis is that the new challenges facing fair trade entail a rearrangement of the social dynamics of the participants that are made up of producers, distributors, consumers, middlemen, etc; these will all have an impact on the fair trade economy.
Basing our analysis on specific products (cocoa, cotton products, arts and crafts), we would like to describe and analyse these new social dynamics. We want to approach the debate on arts and crafts products and semi-industrial production in the framework of sustainable development.
The specific questions of our research are the following:
1. Are there specific long-term strategies for fair trade participants, which can ensure new means of distributing their products particularly in the supermarkets and chain stores? How can participating in a fair trade network help to modify gender relationships (women’s empowerment in its social, economic and political dimension)?
2. Is the collaboration between fair trade and organic farming an opportunity for alternative production (agricultural and/or arts and crafts)? How is the relationship between fair trade and organic farming going to change both the practices and the man and women’s takes in the work? Does the 'price' justify these modifications?
We work on two methodological axes:
• The analysis of strategies and debates between the fair trade producers and the NGOs which support them in relation to:
- The opening of new channels of distribution: the analysis of the demand and the requirements of the distribution chain as well as the consequences on production;
- The contribution of organic farming to fair trade, competition or complementarity?
- The gender relationship in the process of fair trade, its impact on Southern women’s empowerment.
• A better understanding of the way in which the concept of fair trade evolves beyond business channels and how that affects the evolution of consumer models.
Due to deep changes in demand and the evolution of offer, this project takes a qualitative and evolutionary approach. Our observations and interviews will mainly take place at symposium, special events, but especially directly on the field, based on open interaction, individual or group.
To do this, we will use several tools:
- First of all, we will use the Actant Network Theory to understand the relationships that exist between the different actors (North and South);
- Secondly, we will work on the tension points that would have been identified in the first place by referring to the ‘intervention-research’ type method.
Interaction with the different partners and international links
We want this research to be pluridisciplinary based on observation as well as on the participation of the different social actors involved (NGOs and/or peasant organisations, Belgian or from the South, representatives from chain stores and political partners). The pluridisciplinarity will be approached through a common construction of the problematic and a common analytical frame by both teams. This work will be based on an exchange of knowledge between a competence group made of people identified by the Actant Network Theory as really interested in working in this subject and a user committee.
Exchange will be with: the users committee partners, group of producers from the South (India, Bolivia, Peru), the Graduate Institute of Development Studies of Geneva and the Working Group on Europe-Latin America of the EADI (European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes).
Expected results
- The analysis of the participants’ strategies in relation to the evolution of the context and time with a gender approach.
- The analysis of the evolution of the concept of fair trade itself: creation of a referential of production in the framework of fair trade.
- The validation of the sustainability of fair trade in relation to its function as an instrument of public policy. The impact of new policies is not neutral, this study aims at showing the impact of new dynamics on fair trade actors (men and women).
The results of this research should contribute to the improvement of decision criteria for the public decision-makers for: their information campaign to the consumers, their purchasing policy, their contribution towards gender equality and the aid policies of development co-operation.
Both teams share field work, inquiries and analysis of the results in Belgium and in the South, in Bolivia, in Peru (UCL) and in India (ULg).
UCL - Institute of Development Studies
- Co-ordination and organisation of two internationals symposiums on fair trade: The first as a place of exchange of results of specific research in our field at an international level and a second symposium at the end to share our research results.
- The gender approach, evolution of men/women relationship will be brought by the UCL.
ULg – Unity Socio-Economy Environment Development
- The research intervention through groups of competence will be mainly led by the ULg (regarding distribution chains and consumers).
Contact information
Isabel Yépez del Castillo
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Institut des études du développement (IED)
1, place des Doyens
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 (0)10 47 33 68
Fax: +32 (0)10 47 28 05
Marc Mormont
Université de Liège – Site Arlon (ULg)
Unité « Socio-Economie Environnement Développement »
Département Sciences et Gestion de l’environnement
Avenue de Longwy, 185
B-6700 Arlon
Tél: +32 (0)63 23 08 68
Fax: +32 (0)63 23 08 18
Users Committee
Pr. Claude Auroi, IUED
Leen Debecker, DGCI/Cellule Femmes et Développement
Léo Ghysels, OXFAM Wereld Winkels
Jean François Rixen, Magasin du Monde OXFAM
Charles de Tollenaere, DGCI
Xavier Ury, Delhaize
Victoria Vargas, Red OEPAIC
Cécilia Diaz Weippert, Frères des hommes
Le commerce équitable face aux nouveaux défis commerciaux : évolution des dynamiques d’acteurs : rapport final
Charlier, Sophie - Haynes, Isabelle - Bach, Amandine ... et al Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1582)
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Fair trade facing new commercial challenges : evolution of the actors' dynamics : final report
Charlier, Sophie - Haynes, Isabelle - Bach, Amandine ... et al Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2006 (SP1655)
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El comercio justo frente a los nuevos desafios comerciales : evolucion de la dinamica de los actores : informe final
Charlier, Sophie - Haynes, Isabelle - Bach, Amandine ... et al Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2006 (SP1656)
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Le commerce équitable face aux nouveaux défis commerciaux : évolution des dynamiques d’acteurs : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2007 (SP1788)
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Fair trade facing new commercial challenges: evolution of the actors’ dynamics : summary
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2007 (SP1789)
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