Research project NP/DD/01 (Research action NP)
The European Union prescribes to the Member States to monitor certain substances and residues there of (directive 96/23/EC). Two groups of substances are concerned by this directive. group A: substances having an anabolic effect and unauthorized substances; group B: veterinary drugs and contaminants. Group A involves certain substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic action and B-agonists in stock farming (directive 96/22/EC). Furthermore, regulation 2377/90 laying down a community procedure for the determination of maximum residue levels for veterinary drugs in foodstuffs from animal origin is fully applicable on January 1, 1997. For controlling the application of these directives and regulation, and of the corresponding Belgian legislation, a program of control of residues, concerning mainly substances illegally used as growth promoters and veterinary drugs, including unauthorized substances which could be used as veterinary drugs, must be put into place every year and executed by Member States of EU after approval by the Commission.
Despite the fact that various methods both for screening and confirmation have been published, very few, if any, have been tested on an interlaboratory scale. Previous experiments with a limited group of BENELUX laboratories have shown that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to obtain comparable results at levels at which residues of veterinary drug residues or growth promoters occur, if there is no thoroughly validated method available.
This proposal aims at the assessment, in the framework of the directives and regulation cited above, of the methods of analysis of residues of specific classes of growth promoters (sex hormones, B-agonists, glucocorticoids) and veterinary drugs (antibiotics) which could be standardized after validation. This report will be prepared under the form of a data bank, available on a telematic network (INTERNET for example). This data base will be prepared on the basis of a series of documents, published or not, from Belgian or international origins, from public utility services or from pharmaceutical companies.
Normalisatie van de residu-anayse van hormonen en veterinaire geneesmiddelen in levensmiddelen van dierlijke oorsprong : eindrapport = Normalisation de l'analyse des résidus d'hormones et de médicaments vétérinaires dans les produits animaux : rapport final
Cornelis, M. - Maghuin-Rogister, G. - Van Pethegem, C. Brussel : DWTC, 1999 (SP1081)