Research project OA/17 (Research action OA)
Imaging Spectroscopy is an advanced teledetection technique which gains importance, not only in an international context, but also in Belgium. With the construction of the Airborne Prism Experiment, een Belgian-Swiss imaging sensor under development under the authority of European Space Agency ESA financed by the Belgian-Swiss PRODEX programmes, Belgium expressed its interest in this advanced technique. With this project we aim at an imaging Spectroscopy Spectroscopy course with emphasis on hands-on applications in order to support and to extend the Belgian Imaging Spectroscopy User Group and to improve the data quality and exchangeability of data. The project consortium is composed of (i) the Teledetection and Earth Observation Processes center of expertise (Vito), (ii) the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Science (RBINS-KBIN-IRSNB), (iii) the Royal Museum for Central Africa (KMMA-MRAC) and (iv) de Spatial Applications Division Group (KULeuven).
Vito brings in its expertise with respect to acquisition, correction and processing of images and its thematic expertise with respect to environment and vegetation monitoring (biodiversity). KMMA-MRAC brings in its expertise with respect to processing and interpretation of Imaging Spectroscopy data for geological applications while RBINS-KBIN-IRSNB brings in its educational knowledge with respect to teaching teledetection courses. The project OA/OO/017 includes the research part in order to prepare for the project SR/XX/806 which includes the valoration part. The global project is divided into 5 work packages:
Work Package 1 (OA/OO/017) includes a comparison of data correction and analysis techniques, work package 2 and 3 (OA/OO/017 and SR/XX/806) contains the writing of the course, work package 4 (SR/XX/806) the production of the course (textbook, CD, www) and work package 5 (SR/XX/806) the organization of the test training course. The course will be integrated in the ‘General Earth Observation and SPOT vegetation’ cursus (KULeuven) which is conceived modular in such a way that the described Imaging Spectroscopy module and possibly new modules, when new sensors become available like APEX, can be implemented easily. The users can select depending on their interest and experience an education path.
Project Description
Introduction and support to the Belgian and European scientist and policy-makers concerning this innovative Imaging Spectroscopy technique and the imaging sensor APEX in particular.
Expansion of the User Community of Imaging Spectroscopy data and the Imaging sensor APEX in particular.
Harmonisation of the data processing techniques, data analysis and the data products to improve the exchangeability of data between diverse scientific disciplines and data quality.
Expected results/products
The expected products are a textbook, CD and website on Imaging Spectroscopy. The CD contains the textbook, data and hands-on exercises. The Imaging Spectroscopy course will be announced at the website which will serve as help desk and virtual meeting place for users of Imaging Spectroscopy data.
The course is conceived modular and will be integrated in the ‘General Earth Observation and SPOT vegetation’ course The course will be instructed as preperation of the Imaging Spectroscopy campaigns and support to the User Community with regard to image processing and analysis.
The expected results are:
- expansion of the User Community of Imaging Spectroscopy data and the imaging sensor APEX in particular
- harmonisation of Imaging Spectroscopy data what will improve the exchangeability of data between the diverse disciplines using Imaging Spectroscopy data and the data quality what will result in a better support of the policy makers as end user of Imaging Spectroscopy data.
HyperTeach: Part 1 - Theory : final report
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2008 (SP1883)
[To download]
HyperTeach: Part 2 - Hands-on : final report
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2008 (SP1884)
[To download]