Research project S0/00/003 (Research action S0)
Topic and context
The project lies within the scope of the "Study and management of coastal regions" research field.
Today, the maps derived using satellite data and which show chlorophyll concentrations in expanses of open water (i.e. away from coastal areas) are seen as reliable and are used routinely in various applications that include global carbon cycle modelling and fish catches. They are also used to provide scientific support within assorted other oceanographic disciplines. Applications in coastal waters are appearing, but remain limited on account of the present quality of image-derived products.
The new generation of sensors (MODIS, MERIS, CHRIS, GLI) offers the promise of greatly improved image-derived products, particularly in relation to maps showing chlorophyll concentrations. The BEL-COLOUR project aims to enhance the algorithms that will be necessary when the new sensors are introduced.
The proposal’s primary objective is to improve the theoretical basis and software that allow the use of applications based on the remote sensing of suspended matter and chlorophyll in coastal waters. Products already in existence will be improved courtesy of theoretical advances and the use of new sensors. The quality of the end products will be investigated and preparations made for future applications will be made.